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Weblio英語表現辞典での「awareness building」の意味

awareness building

訳語 意識づけ

「awareness building」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 12


I am doing awareness building activities for them.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

彼らに啓蒙活動をしている。 - Weblio Email例文集

We endorsed the IPR Guidelines on Capacity Building and welcomed the continued work on the Education and Awareness Project and seminars and workshops on IPR.例文帳に追加

また、「知的財産権に関する能力構築ガイドライン」を承認し、「教育啓発プロジェクト」における継続的な取り組みを歓迎した。 - 経済産業省

To provide an energy consumption information announcing system for collecting and analyzing an energy consumption amount measured by each division of a building, announcing an analysis result to energy users in the divisions so as to visually obtain the result at a glance, and promoting to raise energy saving awareness.例文帳に追加

建物の区画毎に計測したエネルギー消費量を収集し分析し、その分析結果を該区画におけるエネルギー利用者に視覚的に一目で把握できるように通知し、省エネルギー意識の向上を促進させるエネルギー消費情報通知システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

Moreover, from the perspective of strengthening their function of guaranteeing the fulfillment of transactions, CCPs are being required to strengthen their financial base, such as their equity capital.(ii) sufficiently monitoring the status of transactions, thereby improving the market transparency; In accordance with the increased awareness, the progress is being made internationally aimed at building infrastructures for the purpose of realizing mandatory CCP clearing of OTC derivative transactions and achieving improvements in market transparency, as well as legislating the regulatory frameworks postulating the infrastructure building.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

取引関係の実態把握を十分にすることで、市場の透明性を向上させること重要であるとの問題意識の下、店頭がデリバティブ取引の清算集中や市場の透明性の向上を達成させるためのインフラ整備と、それを前提とした規制の法制化に向けた取組が進展してきている。 - 金融庁

In 1994, changes in the environment surrounding the British economy (intensifying international competition, emergence of the East Asian economy, and the aging of society, etc.)boosted awareness of the need to strengthen competitiveness as a means of boosting living standards, leading to the publication of the government’s first white paper on industrial competitiveness (Our Competitive Future: Building the Knowledge-Driven Economy).例文帳に追加

さらに、1994年には、イギリス経済を取り巻く環境の変化(国際競争の激化、東アジア経済の台頭、高齢化社会の進展等)を踏まえた上で、生活水準の向上を図るためには競争力の強化が不可欠との認識に基づき、政府による初めての産業競争力白書(「競争力:ビジネスを勝利させるために」)が発表された。 - 経済産業省

Moreover, MHLW is outsourcing projects related to developing the occupational awareness of the younger generation (locally coordinated programs for young people) and job placement services by establishing public employment security offices in the one-stop service centers upon request of the prefectures when the prefectures are building a one-step service center (established in 43 prefectures as of the end of FY2004).例文帳に追加

また、厚生労働省においては、都道府県がワンストップセンターを設置する場合(平成16年度末現在、43都道府県に設置)、若年者の職業意識啓発に関する事業(若年者地域連携事業)を委託することや、都道府県の要請に応じ、ワンストップサービスセンターに公共職業安定所を併設し職業紹介事業を行っている。 - 経済産業省


In relation to the methods for enhancing the “salesfunction, which Japanese companies regard as the most important in developing businesses in the emerging countriesmarkets, respondents indicatedhiring local sales personnelas the most important (52.5%) followed bybuilding brand awareness for products and services” and “business partnership with local counterparts.” From this, we see that Japanese companies place greater emphasis onhuman resources” (see Figure 2-3-13).例文帳に追加

我が国企業が新興国市場において最も重要視している「販売」機能の向上の手法についても、「現地販売人材の登用」が52.5%と最も多く、次いで、「製品・サービスブランドの構築」、「現地同業他社と業務提携による獲得」となっており、「人材」が重視されている(第2-3-13図)。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「awareness building」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 12


Among the topics discussed in the workshop were the ways to raise awareness of and promote BCP by legal, market-oriented and social mechanisms, the importance of standards to help private sector organizations evaluate their readiness for emergencies, and the necessity for capacity building, accumulation oflessons learned” from the past disasters among the stakeholders, and discussion at high-level officials for cooperation on BCP among APEC economies.例文帳に追加

今次会合では、各エコノミー内でのBCPの啓発・推進手法(法的規制、市場の活用等)、緊急事態への備えがどの程度できているかを民間企業が自己評価するための規格・基準の設定、域内エコノミー関係者の能力構築、関係者間での「教訓」の共有、さらにBCPに関する協力をハイレベルで取り上げるべきである旨等が議論・提案された。 - 経済産業省

We endorsed the APEC Effective Practices for Addressing Unauthorized Camcording to assist affected economies implement public awareness efforts, engage in cooperation with the private sector on capacity building, and adopt effective legal frameworks, when necessary, to address the challenges of unauthorized camcording in cinemas.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

我々は,映画館での無許可のビデオカメラ撮影の課題に取り組むため,必要な場合に,影響を受けているエコノミーが公共に対する啓発のための努力を行い,能力構築における民間部門との協力への関与を進め,効果的な法的枠組を採択することを支援する,許可されていないビデオカメラ撮影への取組のためのAPECの効果的な原則を承認した。 - 経済産業省

Under the same survey, questions related to food, daily necessities, etc. also showed the results that the respondents inclined to be price-sensitive and to prefer goods produced in their own countries. Therefore, developing business in emerging markets, which is different from business in Japan and involves income class distribution and various degrees of growth, requires multifaceted approaches, including the further narrowing of target zones, the establishment of a brand image and building brand awareness, and the development of products tailored to the tastes of customers in the targeted regions.例文帳に追加

所得階層分布や成長度合いが様々であり、日本とも異なる新興国市場への展開には、さらに詳細なターゲットゾーンの絞り込みや、ブランドイメージの育成・認知度向上、進出地域の嗜好を考慮した製品の開発等、多面的な展開が必要となると思われる。 - 経済産業省

The ERIA also holds symposia and seminars as necessary in member countries to increase awareness about the policy research conducted by the ERIA, to promote exchange of opinions among a broad range of people from the industrial, academic and governmental sectors in the region and to promote capacity-building projects designed to improve the ERIA performed, ahead of its formal establishment, research projects, capacity-building projects, and symposiums in cooperation with the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) in FY2007.例文帳に追加

また、途上国の政策研究能力向上を目的としたキャパビル事業や、研究内容の普及と域内の産学官の幅広い関係者の意見交換の促進を目的として、各国において随時シンポジウム・セミナーを実施していくこととなる。ERIAは、正式設立前の2007年度から、日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所(JETRO/IDE)の協力を得て、研究事業、キャパビル事業、シンポジウム事業を先行的に実施した。 - 経済産業省


On the other hand, the problem areas identified in the "organizational operation of TMOs" in dealing with these issues include in descending order the following factors: i. shortage of business funds and administrative staff, etc. ii. lack of leadership by municipalities, iii. shortage of specialist human resources necessary to optimize the makeup of types of business and stores in commercial clusters, iv. the sporadic nature of projects and lack of continuous projects pursued from a medium/long-term perspective, and v. insufficient consensus building with local residents. On the subject of "problems regarding methods of development of central urban areas and operation of individual stores," the problems identified as being inherent in shopping districts themselves were, in descending order: i. undeveloped state of attractive stores due to lack of awareness among store proprietors, ii. industrial makeup unsuited to meeting consumer needs, iii. shortage of successors and new entrants, iv. failure to eliminate vacant stores, etc. due to lack of cooperation from landowners and leaseholders, etc., and v. withdrawal of large stores and key tenants forming the nucleus of commercial clusters.例文帳に追加

さらに、「中心市街地の整備手法・個店運営の課題」として、ア.商店主の意識不足による魅力ある店舗の未整備、イ.消費者ニーズに対応した業種構成が未対応、ウ.後継者・新規開業者不足、エ.地権者等の協力不足による空き店舗等の未解消、オ.商業集積の核となる大型店やキーテナントの撤退、の順に商店街自身に内在する課題が挙げられている。 - 経済産業省


「awareness building」の意味に関連した用語

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