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意味・対訳 異業種

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「different type of business」の意味

different type of business


「different type of business」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


The marketing area, makeup of business types, customer ages, customer shopping times, and size of operating enterprises are different for each type of accumulated business.例文帳に追加

それぞれの商業集積のタイプ毎に、商圏、業種構成、顧客の年齢層、来店時間、出店企業規模が異なっている。 - 経済産業省

a. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator, in view of the nature of its business operations, the occurrence of complaints, etc., its trading area and other factors, appropriately selects one or more of the following matters prescribed by law for each type of registered business (referring to the different Type I financial instruments business, Type II financial instruments business, the investment advisory and agency business or the investment management business) as its complaint processing measures or dispute resolution measures.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

a.登録を受けた業務の種別(第一種金融商品取引業、第二種金融商品取引業、投資助言・代理業又は投資運用業の別をいう。)ごとに、業務の内容、苦情等の発生状況及び営業地域等を踏まえて、法令で規定されている以下の各事項のうちの一つ又は複数を苦情処理措置・紛争解決措置として適切に選択しているか。 - 金融庁

To allow a business form processing system to use an accurate business form knowledge when there are a great deal of handling business form types, and also prevent the decrease of accuracy in the business form processing even if a printing person and printing time are different in the same business form type.例文帳に追加

取扱対象帳票種が非常に多い場合でも、帳票処理システムが正確な帳票知識を利用することができ、また、同一の帳票種において印刷者や印刷時期が異なっても帳票処理の精度を低下させないようにする。 - 特許庁

To solve the problem of incapability of coping with clients with Web browsers of different kinds in communication of a business integrating server with each business support server in the case where the business integrating server is disposed between Web type clients and various business support servers through a network.例文帳に追加

Web型クライアントと各種業務支援サーバとの間に業務統合サーバをネットワークを介して配置し、この業務統合サーバが各業務支援サーバと連携するには、Webブラウザの種別が異なるクライアントに対応できない。 - 特許庁

When there are a lot of operators and distribution business styles in a local community, it can be thought that there are cases where the mutual usage of management resources is rather promoted while the independence of a plurality of operators is maintained through open and moderate collaboration in the same business type or among different business types such as cooperation in joint deliveries and home deliveries.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

地域に多くの事業者や流通業態がある場合には、むしろ共同配送や宅配での協力など、同業種内・異業種間での開放的で緩やかな連携を通じ、複数の事業者の独立性を保ちながら経営資源の相互活用を促す場合が考えられる。 - 経済産業省

The issuing source H of a ticket 1 hands over the ticket 1, usable at different stores B that are in a type of business different from that of stores A, and the ticket 1 is distributed to a customer, who meets a prescribed condition at the respective stores A without charge.例文帳に追加

チケット1の発行元Hが、店舗Aに異業種の他店舗Bで使用可能なチケット1を引き渡し、各店舗Aにおいて所定の条件を満たした顧客に、チケット1を無償で配付する。 - 特許庁


Regarding also the "quality" of enterprises, an examination of changes in the content of core business14) over the period of a decade according to the Japan Finance Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprise's (JASME) Survey of the Management Environment reveals that, regardless of size, around 10% of enterprises were in a different field or type of business compared with 10 years ago, and around 40% were in the same field or type of business as 10 years ago but provided different products (Fig. 2-1-23).例文帳に追加

また、企業の質という面では中小企業金融公庫「経営環境実態調査14」により、10年間の主力事業の内容の変化をみると、企業規模の大きさに関わらず、「約10年前と業種・業態が異なる」が1割程度、「約10年前と同じ業種・業態だが、提供する商品が異なる」が4割程度となっている(第2-1-23図)。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「different type of business」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


Acceleration in adjustment among industries is supposed to equalize productivities and salaries among different sectors of business; however, a comparison of marginal productivity of Japanese industries categorized by type of business shows a widening gap of the industry in the marginal productivity among the manufacturing industry and the wholesale/retail industry and service sector (Figure 2-1-3-14).例文帳に追加

産業間調整が進展すれば業種間で生産性や賃金は平準化するはずだが、我が国の業種別の限界生産性を比較すると、製造業と卸・小売業、サービス業との限界生産性は拡大する傾向にある(第2-1-3-14図)。 - 経済産業省

When this form is adopted, it is necessary to reconstruct the businesses from a flexible point of view beyond the concepts of existing business type and to give fine examination to the methods of efficiently providing educational programs for window clerks who are going to handle all the assignments in different business types.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

この形態をとる場合には、既存の業種の概念を超えた柔軟な発想で業務を再構築するとともに、異なる業種の仕事を一手に引き受ける窓口職員へ効率的に教育を行う方法を綿密に検討する必要がある。 - 経済産業省

(Note 6) "Financial Institution Parent Company" means a bank, insurance company or securities firm, etc. which owns, as its subsidiaries, financial institutions engaged in a type of business different from its own.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(注6)「金融機関親会社」とは、銀行、保険会社又は証券会社等のいずれかであって、自らと異なる業態の金融機関を子会社とする会社をいう。 - 金融庁

The model is different to the traditional originate-to-hold type of finance business model (hereinafter referred to as “originate-to-hold business model”), where, based on the long-term relationships between financial institutions and borrowers,financial institutions would monitor the status of the obligors and manage the debt by the lenders serving as an intermediary between the ultimate fund manager and fund procurer.例文帳に追加

金融機関と借り手の長期的な関係を基本に、金融機関が最終的な資金運用主体と資金調達主体との間で仲介を担うことで、貸し手が債務者の状況をモニタリングし、債権管理を行うという伝統的な組成・保有型の金融ビジネスモデル(以下「組成・保有型ビジネスモデル」という。)とは異なるものである。 - 経済産業省

TEAM Ecollabo was organized with 8 medium- and small-businesses of different type of businesses in Tokai region, such as an auto parts maker, a building material maker and a water service system company. It engages in product development in environment field, which seems to have a great business potential in the future.例文帳に追加

チームエコラボは、東海地域の自動車部品メーカー、建材メーカー、給排水設備会社など異業種の中小企業8社が集まって結成したものであり、今後のポテンシャルが高い環境分野での製品作りに取り組んでいる。 - 経済産業省

As you know, the U.S. system of financial supervision has a complex structure, with different supervisory bodies supervising financial institutions by business type and the federal and state governments exercising their respective supervisory powers. I think that debate on how the U.S. system of financial supervision should be structured has already been ongoing for some time.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ご案内のとおり、米国の金融監督の体制は、業態別に監督当局が分かれている、また、連邦と州に監督当局がまたがっているといった複雑な形態になっておりまして、これまでも米国の金融監督体制のあり方については議論があったところであるというふうに承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

The method specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-7, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Act shall be the method in which the amount of the net assets of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger is deemed to be the amount obtained by subtracting the amount listed in item 7 from the total of the amounts listed in items 1 to 6 inclusive as on the calculation date (which means the Absorption-Type Merger contract day [in the case where the calculation date which is different from the Absorption-Type Merger contract day is specified (limited to during the period between said Absorption-Type Merger contract day and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect) by said contract, said date]) (in the case where said obtained amount is less than five million yen, the amount shall be five million yen): (i) the amount of capital; (ii) the amount of capital reserve; (iii) the amount of profit reserve; (iv) the amount of surplus prescribed in Article 446 of the Company Act; (v) the amount pertaining to valuation/translation difference as of the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger); (vi) the book value of the rights to subscribe for new shares of stock; (vii) the total amount of a persons own shares and the book value of the rights to - 101 - subscribe for new shares of stock.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

法第百四十四条の七第一項第二号に規定する主務省令で定める方法は、算定基準日(吸 収合併契約を締結した日(当該吸収合併契約により当該吸収合併契約を締結した日と異な る時(当該吸収合併契約を締結した日後から吸収合併の効力が生ずる時までの間の時に限 る。)を定めた場合にあっては、当該時)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)における第 一号から第六号までに掲げる額の合計額から第七号に掲げる額を減じて得た額(当該額が 五百万円を下回る場合にあっては、五百万円)をもって吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所 の純資産額とする方法とする。一資本金の額 二資本準備金の額 三利益準備金の額 四会社法第四百四十六条に規定する剰余金の額 五最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会社 商品取引所の成立の日)における評価・換算差額等に係る額 六新株予約権の帳簿価額 七自己株式及び自己新株予約権の帳簿価額の合計額 - 経済産業省


Depending on the situation, moving on to a different type of business might be another way to go. Whichever region I visited, I heard about a very high level of need for nursing care facilities. People commented that there are needs in their region in the areas of nursing care, medical care and also the environment. They added, however, that the low pay associated with the nursing-care insurance, as you know, poses as a major hurdle. With effort, it is feasible for regions to provide nursing-care functions in the form of facilities designed for five or six residents, such as group homes, rather than large intensive care homes for the elderly or other similar facilities that were common in the past.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

それからまた、場合によっては業種転換をするとか、それから今、地方に行きましても非常に介護施設のニーズが高いということは、どこでも聞きました。介護、医療、それから環境に関しても、地方でニーズがあると言っていました。ただし、介護の場合はご存じのように介護保険の人件費が安いですから、それが非常にネックになっていると。今介護でも昔のように大型の特別養護老人ホームだとかというのではなくて、グループホームとか、5~6人に入って頂くような施設を、今一生懸命地方でもやっていけるわけです。 - 金融庁


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