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意味・対訳 経済摩擦

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「economic dispute」の意味

economic dispute

「economic dispute」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 26


International Economic Dispute Resolution Using the Report on Compliance by Major Trading Partners with Trade Agreements発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「不公正貿易報告書」を活用した通商紛争解決の取組 - 経済産業省

This structure is similar to that of the Japan-Singapore EPA. In addition, like other [economic partnership] agreements, it is stipulated that the dispute settlement procedures of the Japan-Mexico EPA shall not apply to the competition chapter (Article 135).例文帳に追加

また、他の協定同様、競争章は協定本体の紛争解決手続きの適用対象外である(第135条)。 - 経済産業省

The WTO agreements develop free and fair trade rules in order to resolve economic friction and dispute through the interpretation and application of rules and prepared regulations for the dispute settlement process.例文帳に追加

WTO協定は、自由かつ公正な貿易ルールを策定すると同時に、加盟国間に通商摩擦・紛争が生じた際にルールの解釈・適用を通じてその解決を図るための、紛争解決手続に係る規律を備えている。 - 経済産業省

Such comparison is in respect of the procedural steps enumerated below, which are considered particularly important to ensure that the WTO dispute settlement procedures function properly and are effective (with respect to the 28 FTAs/EPAs involving Japan or other countries subject to the analysis below, the specifics and procedural particulars thereof are summarized in the appendix to Section IV (State-to-state Dispute Settlement Procedures in Economic Partnership Agreements of Foreign Countries).例文帳に追加

分析を行った日本及び他国のFTA/EPA (28協定)及びBIT(21協定)については、個 別手続一覧を資料編に掲載(資料編「Ⅳ.諸外 国の経済連携協定における国家間仲裁手続」。 - 経済産業省

Around 390 dispute cases have been referred to the dispute settlement proceedings since the WTO was founded in1995,3 showing that the system has become established as a process to resolve economic disputes between countries in accordance with rules.例文帳に追加

WTO成立以降、紛争解決手続に付託された紛争案件は390 件3 に及び、国家間の経済紛争をルールに基づいて解決する仕組みとして定着している。 - 経済産業省

That is, both system analysis and new spatial economics that deal with agglomerations focus on events that are classified as derivate phenomena in typical neoclassical theories, or that would not fall into their scope of analysis in the first place, such as strategic behavior, asymmetric information, economies of scale (in the broad sense), externality, path dependency, lock-in, and self-organization Nobody would dispute that economic growth is one of the most important objectives of economic policy.例文帳に追加

経済政策の目標の中で最も重要なものの1つとして、経済成長を挙げることに異論はなかろう。 - 経済産業省


Japan has been actively using the WTO dispute settlement proceedings to resolve economic disputes with other countries. For example, Japan made a request for consultations under the WTO dispute settlement proceedings in relation to a retaliatory tariff on automobiles imposed pursuant to Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act in 1995.例文帳に追加

我が国も、1995 年の米国通商法301 条に基づく自動車に対する報復関税賦課に対し、WTO紛争解決手続に基づく協議を要請したのをはじめ、積極的にWTO紛争解決手続を活用し、各国との経済紛争を解決してきている。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「economic dispute」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 26


In other words, it can be said that the WTO Agreements not only are reliable rules themselves, but also have a remarkable dispute settlement system. This is epoch-making progress in the system of international economic law. Therefore, we can also say that this is a successful experience of strengthening effectiveness, which comes from the effort of using this system in actual dispute cases by WTO Members.例文帳に追加

言い換えれば、これは、WTO協定が、それ自体が信頼性の高い規範であるとともに画期的な紛争解決制度を備えており、具体的な紛争案件において同制度を活用しようとする加盟各国の努力とも相俟って、その実効性を向上させてきた成功例といえる。 - 経済産業省

Article 1 Owing to the changes in the social and economic climate at home and abroad, alternative dispute resolution (procedures for resolution of a civil dispute between parties who seek, with the involvement of a fair third party, a resolution without using litigation; the same shall apply hereinafter) has become an important means of achieving prompt dispute resolution based on the specialized expertise of a third party and in accordance with the actual facts of the dispute. Bearing such in mind, the purpose of the Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution is to provide for the basic concepts of the Act and for the responsibilities of the government and other entities; and to establish a certification system and set special rules on nullification of prescription and other matters so as to make alternative dispute resolution procedures easier to utilize, thereby enabling parties to a dispute to choose the most suitable method for resolving a dispute with the aim of appropriate realization of the rights and interests of the people.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第一条 この法律は、内外の社会経済情勢の変化に伴い、裁判外紛争解決手続(訴訟手続によらずに民事上の紛争の解決をしようとする紛争の当事者のため、公正な第三者が関与して、その解決を図る手続をいう。以下同じ。)が、第三者の専門的な知見を反映して紛争の実情に即した迅速な解決を図る手続として重要なものとなっていることにかんがみ、裁判外紛争解決手続についての基本理念及び国等の責務を定めるとともに、民間紛争解決手続の業務に関し、認証の制度を設け、併せて時効の中断等に係る特例を定めてその利便の向上を図ること等により、紛争の当事者がその解決を図るのにふさわしい手続を選択することを容易にし、もって国民の権利利益の適切な実現に資することを目的とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Following the eight-round negotiations after the commencement of negotiations in February 2005, the "Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation" was signed at the Korea-ASEAN Summit in December 2005. Also, the "Agreement on Dispute Settlement Mechanism" was signed at the Korea-ASEAN Economic Ministerial Conference, which was held during the same period.例文帳に追加

その後、2005年2月の交渉開始以後8回の交渉を経て、2005年12月の韓ASEAN首脳会談において「包括的経済協力枠組み協定」に署名し、また、同時期に行われた韓国ASEAN通商長官会談において「紛争解決協定」に署名した。 - 経済産業省

Second, international trading rules and dispute settlement mechanisms serve as institutional frameworks for the economic activities of national governments, producers, and consumers and have a significant effect on the economic welfare that is achieved.例文帳に追加

第二に、現行の国際取引ルールと紛争解決メカニズムは、各国の政府、生産者及び消費者の経済活動を支える制度的枠組みとなっており、その下で実現される各国の経済厚生の水準に大きな影響を及ぼしている。 - 経済産業省

In addition, the exclusion of the competition chapter (Article 105) from the application of the dispute settlement procedures of the Japan-Singapore EPA is similar to exclusions contained in economic partnership agreements executed with other countries.例文帳に追加

なお、競争章を協定本体の紛争解決手続きの適用対象外とする(第105条)枠組みは、他国との経済連携協定と同一である。 - 経済産業省

Set forth below are typical examples of FTAs/EPAs which have adopted this category of dispute settlement procedure:- Bangkok Agreement (Bangladesh, India, Korea, Laos, Sri Lanka, China) (Article 16);- SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan) (Article 20);- EEA (European Economic Area) (EU, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway) (Article 111, Paragraph 1, with certain exceptions); and - EC - Norway FTA (Article 29).例文帳に追加

典型的なFTA/EPA としては以下のも のが挙げられる。バンコク協定(バングラデシュ、インド、 韓国、ラオス、スリランカ、中国)(16条) - 経済産業省

In addition, the WTO plays an important role in maintaining stability and predictability in international transactions, providing a system whereby international economic disputes can be resolved in accordance with trade rules through dispute settlement procedures, avoiding turning such disputes into political issues.例文帳に追加

さらにWTOは、紛争解決手続を通じて、国際経済紛争を政治問題化せずにルールに基づいて解決する仕組みとして、国際取引の安定・予見可能性の確保に大きな役割を果たしている。 - 経済産業省


Keeping these economic effects in sight should assist the better understanding of the importance of international trading rules and dispute-settlement mechanisms.例文帳に追加

このような経済効果を視野に収めることによって、公正な国際取引ルールと紛争解決メカニズムの重要性に関する理解は、それだけ深められることになる。 - 経済産業省


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