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give one's name asとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 姓名を名乗る、名乗りをあげる

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「give one's name as」の意味

give one's name as


「give one's name as」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 8


As there was no one to perform the ceremony and give him an adult name, he named himself GENKURO Yoshitsune.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

成人した諱を付ける烏帽子親もいないので、自ら源九郎義経と名乗ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It includes such programs as 'Futari bakama' (a story of Muko and his father over one pair of Hakama [formal men's divided skirt]), 'Yahata no mae' (a story of a man without special talent), 'Bikusada' (a story that a man Bikusada became a parent to give a child a name), 'Oko Sako' (troubles caused by two farmers, Oko and Sako), 'Chigiriki' (a story of a cowardly man trying to revenge an insult he received),and 'Ne ongyoku' (a story of a servant singing songs with his head pillowed in his master's lap).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「二人袴」「八幡前」「比丘貞」「右近左近」「千切木」「寝音曲」など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This means that the man possessed by the god acted Toshigami and walked around to give a celebration and later he went in and out of the court and the word 'senshubanzei' (literally, one thousand autumns and ten thousand years) to celebrate the longevity was the origin of the name, so as to welcome bumper autumns thousands or ten thousands times.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これは、歳神に扮し自ら神の依代(よりしろ)となって祝福を与え歩いていたものが、やがて宮中に出入りするようになったというもので、豊年の秋を千回万回と迎えられるように長寿を祝う言葉の「千秋萬歳(せんしゅうばんぜい)」が名前の由来であるとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, AEON Co., Ltd. has been making advanced efforts such as issuance of Iwami Ginzan WAON cards, with which a part of the sum paid with the electronic money is donated for preservation of the World Heritage, and the Happy Yellow Receipt Campaign, in which some commodities equivalent to one percent of the sum of purchase will be donated to a volunteer group in the local community that the shopper wants to give support to if the shopper posts a yellow receipt into the posting box with the name of the volunteer group (Columns Nos. 4 and 5).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、イオン(株)では、電子マネー利用金額の一部が世界遺産の保全のため寄付される石見銀山WAONカードの発行や、買い物客が黄色いレシートを応援したい地域のボランティア団体名の投函 BOXへ投入すると購入金額の1%相当が物品で寄贈される幸せの黄色いレシートキャンペーン等の、先進的な取組を行っている(コラム No.4・5)。 - 経済産業省

If any dispute arises between joint applicants for a patent whether or in what manner the application should be proceeded with, the Registrar may, on a request made by any of the parties, give such directions as he thinks fit for enabling the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties alone or for regulating the manner in which it shall be proceeded with, or for both those purposes, as the case may require.例文帳に追加

特許の共同出願人の間で出願手続を進めるべきか否か又は手続を進める方法に関して紛争が生じた場合は,登録官は,これら当事者の何れかの請求に基づいて,当該出願を当事者のうちの1又は数人のみの名義により当該出願手続を進めることを可能にするか若しくはこれを進める方法を調整するか,又はこれらの両方の目的のためにか,事情により適切と考える指示を与えることができる。 - 特許庁

If any dispute arises between joint applicants for registration of a design whether or in what manner the application should be proceeded with, the Controller may, upon application made to him in the prescribed manner by any of the parties, and after giving to all parties concerned an opportunity to be heard, give such directions as he thinks fit for enabling the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties alone or for regulating the manner in which it should be proceeded with, or for both those purposes, as the case may require.例文帳に追加

出願を処理すべきか否か又は処理すべき方法について意匠登録の共同出願人の間で紛争が生じたときは,長官は,何れかの当事者により所定の方法で長官に対してされた申請に基づき,かつ,全当事者に聴聞を受ける機会を与えた後,1人以上の当事者のみの名義での出願の処理を可能にするため又はその処理の方法を規制するため,又は場合に応じてそれら双方の目的で,適当と認める命令を発することができる。 - 特許庁


(5) If any dispute arises between joint applicants for a patent whether or in what manner the application should be proceeded with, the Commissioner may, upon application made to him in the prescribed manner by any of the parties, and after giving to all parties concerned an opportunity to be heard, give such directions as he thinks fit for enabling the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties alone or for regulating the manner in which it shall be proceeded with, or for both those purposes, according as the case may require. In any such case the Commissioner may authorise the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties.例文帳に追加

(5) 共同特許出願人の間で出願の手続をするべきか否か又は如何なる方法によりこれを手続するべきかについて紛争が生じるときに,局長は,何れかの当事者から所定の方法による申請がされ,かつ,関係当事者全員に聴聞を受ける機会を与えた後は,必要に応じて,当事者の1若しくは2以上の名義のみにより出願の手続をすることを可能にさせるため,若しくは出願の手続をする方法を調整するため,又はこれら2つの目的のために,自己が適切と認める指示を発することができる。この場合に局長は,当事者の1又は2以上の名義により出願の手続をすることを許可することができる。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「give one's name as」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 8


(8) When the notification has been filed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3), the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall give a public notice of the trade name or name, and the location of the head office or principal office or the domicile, of the person who made said notification, the period during which the person who made said notification is to be regarded as falling under the category of a Qualified Institutional Investor (meaning the period as prescribed in paragraph (5)), and, if the person who has made said notification made such notification as a person who falls under paragraph (1), item (xxiii), sub-item (b) or, item (xxiv), sub-item (b) it shall be published to that effect in Official Gazette until March 1 of the year in which the date of the notification falls in cases where said notification was made during the period from January 1 until one month thereafter; until June 1 of the year in which the date of the notification falls in cases where said notification was made during the period from April 1 until one month thereafter; until September 1 of the year in which the date of the notification falls in cases where said notification was made during the period from July 1 until one month thereafter; or until December 1 of the year in which the date of the notification falls in cases where said notification was made during the period from October 1 until one month thereafter.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

8 金融庁長官は、第三項の規定により届出が行われたときは、当該届出が一月一日から一月を経過する日までの間に行われた場合はその日の属する年の三月一日までに、四月一日から一月を経過する日までの間に行われた場合はその日の属する年の六月一日までに、七月一日から一月を経過する日までの間に行われた場合はその日の属する年の九月一日までに及び十月一日から一月を経過する日までの間に行われた場合はその日の属する年の十二月一日までに、当該届出を行った者の商号、名称又は氏名、本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地又は住所、適格機関投資家に該当する期間(第五項に規定する期間をいう。)及び当該届出を行った者が第一項第二十三号ロ又は第二十四号ロに該当するものとして届出を行った者である場合にはその旨を官報に公告しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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