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in total in a phraseとは 意味・読み方・使い方





Weblio例文辞書での「in total in a phrase」に類似した例文

in total in a phrase




as the phrase goes


a phrase contained within a sentence


a verbal phrase


occurring within the predicate phrase


a single phrase





words within brackets






with expression


a single word


the wording of a phrase


「in total in a phrase」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 18


The time of the phrase A is 4.2 seconds in total since one phrase is 1.4 seconds and the phrase A is repeated three times.例文帳に追加

このフレーズAは、1回が1.4秒であり、3回繰り返されるので、合計4.2秒となる。 - 特許庁

In a phoneme continuing time length correcting section 168b, a total sum of length of each phoneme in these estimated accent phrase length is calculated, further, interpolation is performed by using the accent phrase length and a value of this calculated total sum, each phoneme length is corrected using obtained values and control of the phoneme length is performed.例文帳に追加

音韻継続時間長修正部168bでは、これら推定したアクセント句長内の個々の音韻の長さの総和を算出し、さらに、アクセント句長とこの算出した総和の値を用いて内挿補間し、得られた値を用いて個々の音韻長を修正して音韻長の制御を行っている。 - 特許庁

This phrase, 'Looking to south, the saint listens to the country and, facing towards light, he governs' had been considered as a prospect 10 times in total including 8 times during the Edo period in the past when era names were changed and it was finally selected during its eleventh nomination.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「聖人南面して天下を聴き、明に嚮いて治む」というこの言葉は、過去の改元の際に江戸時代だけで8回、計10回候補として勘案されているが、通算にして11度目にして採用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In another step, or when a part of the weights is assigned to each attribute of the phrase, the total of the weights for each attribute is adjusted under the consideration of the generation frequency of each attribute of the other document in the assembly.例文帳に追加

別のステップとして、或いはウエイトの一部がフレーズの各属性に割り当てられる時に、各属性に対するウエイトの合計が調整されて集成内の他のドキュメントの各属性の発生頻度を斟酌したものとされる。 - 特許庁

A total control part 110 reads out a model diagram and an operation diagram of software specifications stored in a storage unit 104, and starts up a specification analysis part 106 to conduct word and phrase analysis and grammar analysis.例文帳に追加

全体制御部110は、記憶装置104に記憶されたソフトウエア仕様であるモデル図,動作図を読みだし、仕様解析部106を起動させて、字句解析や文法解析を行う。 - 特許庁

(5) For the purpose of application of the provision of Article 201(5) in cases where a contractual deposit of the amount of distribution to a bankruptcy claim set forth in item (vi) of paragraph (1) is made pursuant to the provision of said item, in Article 201(5), the phrase "the amount of distribution determined for said bankruptcy creditor is less than the amount specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court as prescribed in Article 111(1)(iv)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the total of the amount of distribution determined for said bankruptcy creditor and the amount of distribution to a bankruptcy claim set forth in item (vi) of Article 214(1) deposited by contract by a bankruptcy trustee pursuant to the provision of said item is less than the amount specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court as prescribed in Article 111(1)(iv)," and the phrase "said amount of distribution" shall be deemed to be replaced with "said total."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 第一項第六号の規定により同号に掲げる破産債権に対する配当額を寄託した場合における第二百一条第五項の規定の適用については、同項中「その定めた配当額が同号に」とあるのは「その定めた配当額及び破産管財人が第二百十四条第一項第六号の規定により寄託した同号に掲げる破産債権に対する配当額の合計額が第百十一条第一項第四号に」と、「当該配当額」とあるのは「当該合計額」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(10) The provisions of paragraph (1) to paragraph (4) and paragraph (6) to the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to interest on liabilities, etc. paid by a foreign corporation that conducts a business in Japan (such interest on liabilities, etc. shall be limited to that pertaining to the business conducted in Japan). In this case: in paragraph (1), the phrase "the said domestic corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the said foreign corporation," the term "interest on liabilities, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "interest on liabilities, etc. (limited to that pertaining to the business conducted by the said foreign corporation in Japan (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (3) as "business in Japan"; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph)", the term "liabilities" shall be deemed to be replaced with "liabilities (limited to those arising from the business in Japan; the same shall apply in the next paragraph)", the term "equity interest" shall be deemed to be replaced with "equity interest (limited to that pertaining to the business in Japan; the same shall apply in the next paragraph and paragraph (3)", the phrase "limited to those which can be the cause of payment of interest on liabilities, etc.; the same shall apply in the next paragraph and paragraph (3)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "limited to those which can be the cause of payment of interest on liabilities, etc. and pertain to the business in Japan; hereinafter the same shall apply in the next paragraph", and the term "amount of equity capital" shall be deemed to be replaced with "amount of equity capital (limited to that pertaining to the business in Japan; hereinafter the same shall apply in the next paragraph and paragraph (3)"; in paragraph (2), the term "domestic corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "foreign corporation"; in paragraph (3), the term "domestic corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "foreign corporation", the phrase "related to the said domestic corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "related to the said foreign corporation", the phrase "of the said domestic corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "of the said foreign corporation", the phrase "as the said domestic corporation's business" shall be deemed to be replaced with "as the said foreign corporation's business in Japan", the term "total liabilities" shall be deemed to be replaced with "total liabilities (limited to those which can be the cause of payment of interest on liabilities, etc."; in paragraph (4)(i), the term "foreign corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "another foreign corporation", the term "domestic corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "foreign corporation"; in paragraph (4)(ii) and (vi), the term "domestic corporation" shall be deemed to be replaced with "foreign corporation".発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

10 第一項から第四項まで及び第六項から前項までの規定は、国内において事業を行う外国法人が支払う負債の利子等(国内において行う事業に係るものに限る。)について準用する。この場合において、第一項中「当該内国法人」とあるのは「当該外国法人」と、「利子等を」とあるのは「利子等(当該外国法人が国内において行う事業(以下この項及び第三項において「国内事業」という。)に係るものに限る。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)を」と、「負債に」とあるのは「負債(国内事業に係るものに限る。次項において同じ。)に」と、「資本持分」とあるのは「資本持分(国内事業に係るものに限る。次項及び第三項において同じ。)」と、「基因となるものに限る。次項及び第三項」とあるのは「基因となるもので、かつ、国内事業に係るものに限る。次項」と、「自己資本の額」とあるのは「自己資本の額(国内事業に係るものに限る。次項及び第三項において同じ。)」と、第二項中「内国法人」とあるのは「外国法人」と、第三項中「内国法人は」とあるのは「外国法人は」と、「内国法人に」とあるのは「外国法人に」と、「内国法人の」とあるのは「外国法人の」と、「内国法人と」とあるのは「外国法人の国内事業と」と、「総負債」とあるのは「総負債(負債の利子等の支払の基因となるものに限る。)」と、第四項第一号中「外国法人」とあるのは「他の外国法人」と、「内国法人」とあるのは「外国法人」と、同項第二号及び第六号中「内国法人」とあるのは「外国法人」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「in total in a phrase」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 18


Next, the CPU 111 specifies an evaluation vector associated with each by collating a phrase contained in a communication content, a total value of communication traffic volume, a communication frequency, a ratio of a reception frequency to a transmission frequency, an own terminal location at a time when communication is performed and the like among the history data extracted with the variety of data retrieved as described above.例文帳に追加

次に、CPU111は、抽出した履歴データのうち、通信内容に含まれる語句、通信量の合計値、通信頻度、受信頻度と送信頻度の比率、通信が行われたときの自端末の場所等を、取得した上記の各種データと照合して、それぞれに対応付けられている評価ベクトルを特定する。 - 特許庁

(4) For the purpose of application of the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph (1) and the preceding paragraph in cases where a rehabilitation plan set forth in the second sentence of paragraph (1) specifies special clauses on home loan, in the second sentence of paragraph (1), the phrase "total claims held by holders of filed rehabilitation claims" shall be deemed to be replaced with "all of the claims held by holders of filed rehabilitation claims (excluding a home loan claim prescribed in Article 198(1)or a right of exoneration based on the guarantee for the debt for a home loan claim, which has been filed)," the phrase "holder of filed rehabilitation claim who holds a claim" shall be deemed to be replaced with "holder of filed rehabilitation claim who holds said claim," and the phrase "items of Article 174(2) (excluding item (iii))" shall be deemed to be replaced with "items of Article 202(2) (excluding item (iv))."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 第一項後段の再生計画案が住宅資金特別条項を定めたものである場合における同項後段及び前項の規定の適用については、第一項後段中「届出再生債権者の総債権」とあるのは「届出再生債権者の債権(第百九十八条第一項に規定する住宅資金貸付債権又は保証会社の住宅資金貸付債権に係る債務の保証に基づく求償権で、届出があったものを除く。)の全部」と、「債権を有する届出再生債権者」とあるのは「当該債権を有する届出再生債権者」と、前項中「第百七十四条第二項各号(第三号を除く。)」とあるのは「第二百二条第二項各号(第四号を除く。)」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 152 (1) The provisions of Article 79, Article 80 (excluding items (ii), (vi), (ix) and (x)), Article 81 (excluding items (iii), (vi), (ix) and (x)), Article 82 and Article 83 of the Commercial Registration Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of the Member Commodity Exchanges upon a merger in the case set forth in Article 139, paragraph (2), item (i). In this case, the phrase "trade name and the head office" in Article 79 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "name and the principal office," the phrase "amount of stated capital" in Article 80, item (iv) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "total amount of contribution," the term "head office" in item (v) of the same Article and Article 81, item (v) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "office," the phrase "when a company dissolved in an absorption-type merger is a mochibun kaisha, a document proving the consent of all members (if special provisions exist in the articles of incorporation, the procedure under such provisions)" in Article 80, item (vii) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "minutes of a general meeting of members concerning a merger of a Member Commodity Exchange implementing an Absorption-Type Merger," the phrase "the following documents" in Article 81 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replace with "the following documents and a document proving the qualification of the person having the representation power," the phrase "when a company dissolved in a consolidation-type merger is a mochibun kaisha, a document proving the consent of all members (if special provisions exist in the articles of incorporation, the procedure under such provisions)" in item (vii) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "minutes of a general meeting of members concerning a merger of a Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger," the term "the head office" in Article 82, paragraphs (2) to (4) inclusive and Article 83 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the principal office" and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百五十二条 商業登記法第七十九条、第八十条(第二号、第六号、第九号及び第十号を除く。)、第八十一条(第三号、第六号、第九号及び第十号を除く。)、第八十二条及び第八十三条の規定は、第百三十九条第二項第一号に掲げる場合における合併による会員商品取引所の登記について準用する。この場合において、同法第七十九条中「商号及び本店」とあるのは「名称及び主たる事務所」と、同法第八十条第四号中「資本金の額」とあるのは「出資の総額」と、同条第五号及び同法第八十一条第五号中「本店」とあるのは「事務所」と、同法第八十条第七号中「吸収合併消滅会社が持分会社であるときは、総社員の同意(定款に別段の定めがある場合にあつては、その定めによる手続)があつたことを証する書面」とあるのは「吸収合併をする会員商品取引所の合併会員総会の議事録」と、同法第八十一条中「次の書面」とあるのは「次の書面及び代表権を有する者の資格を証する書面」と、同条第七号中「新設合併消滅会社が持分会社であるときは、総社員の同意(定款に別段の定めがある場合にあつては、その定めによる手続)があつたことを証する書面」とあるのは「新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の合併会員総会の議事録」と、同法第八十二条第二項から第四項まで及び第八十三条中「本店」とあるのは「主たる事務所」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(1) The provisions of Article 79, Article 80 (excluding items 2, 6, 9 and 10), Article 81 (excluding items 3, 6, 9 and 10), Article 82 and Article 83 of the Commercial Registration Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of the Member Commodity Exchanges upon a merger in the case set forth in Article 139, paragraph 2, item 1. In this case, the phrase "trade name and the head office" in Article 79 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "name and the principal office," the phrase "amount of stated capital" in Article 80, item 4 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "total amount of contribution," the term "head office" in item 5 of the same Article and Article 81, item 5 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "office," the phrase "when a company dissolved in an absorption-type merger is a mochibun kaisha, a document proving the consent of all members (if special provisions exist in the articles of incorporation, the procedure under such provisions)" in Article 80, item 7 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "minutes of a general meeting of members concerning a merger of a Member Commodity Exchange implementing an Absorption-Type Merger," the phrase "the following documents" in Article 81 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replace with "the following documents and a document proving the qualification of the person having the representation power," the phrase "when a company dissolved in an incorporation-type merger is a mochibun kaisha, a document proving the consent of all members (if special provisions exist in the articles of incorporation, the procedure under such provisions)" in item 7 of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "minutes of a general meeting of members concerning a merger of a Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger," the term "the head office" in Article 82, paragraphs 2 to 4 inclusive and Article 83 of th same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the principal office" and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

1 商業登記法第七十九条、第八十条(第二号、第六号、第九号及び第十号を除く。)、第八十一条(第三号、第六号、第九号及び第十号を除く。)、第八十二条及び第八十三条の規定は、第百三十九条第二項第一号に掲げる場合における合併による会員商品取引所の登記について準用する。この場合において、同法第七十九条中「商号及び本店」とあるのは「名称及び主たる事務所」と、同法第八十条第四号中「資本金の額」とあるのは「出資の総額」と、同条第五号 及び同法第八十一条第五号中「本店」とあるのは「事務所」と、同法第八十条第七号中「吸収合併消滅会社が持分会社であるときは、総社員の同意(定款に別段の定めがある場合にあつては、その定めによる手続)があつたことを証する書面」とあるのは「吸収合併をする会員商品取引所の合併会員総会の議事録」と、同法第八十一条中「次の書面」とあるのは「次の書面及び代表権を有する者の資格を証する書面」と、同条第七号中「新設合併消滅会社が持分会社であるときは、総社員の同意(定款に別段の定めがある場合にあつては、その定めによる手続)があつたことを証する書面」とあるのは「新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の合併会員総会の議事録」と、同法第八十二条第二項から第四項まで及び第八十三条中「本店」とあるのは「主たる事務所」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 経済産業省

(5) The provisions of Article 108 (Decision to Call a Beneficiaries Meeting) and Article 191 (excluding paragraph (5)) (Notice to Beneficiaries, etc.) of the Trust Act and the provisions of Article 718(1) and (3) (Demand for Calling Meeting by Bondholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the calling of a Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting. In this case, the phrase "the total amount of bonds of a certain Class (excluding bonds that have been redeemed)" in Article 718(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the total Share of Principal," the phrase "the bond-issuing Company or bond manager" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Fiduciary Trust Company, etc., a Representative Beneficiary Certificate Holder, or a Specified Trust Administrator," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 信託法第百八条(受益者集会の招集の決定)及び第百九十一条(第五項を除く。)(受益者に対する通知等)並びに会社法第七百十八条第一項及び第三項(社債権者による招集の請求)の規定は、権利者集会の招集について準用する。この場合において、同法第七百十八条第一項中「ある種類の社債の総額(償還済みの金額を除く。)」とあるのは「総元本持分」と、「社債発行会社又は社債管理者」とあるのは「受託信託会社等、代表権利者又は特定信託管理者」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph, with regard to the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading to be accrued within three business years from the business year in which the license set forth in Article 190 of the Act (excluding a renewed license) was obtained, the phrase "the amount obtained by multiplying the transaction amounts of the transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (i) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (e)) in each business year by the Problematic Conduct Rate -- which means the proportion of the total sum of the payments made as a result of any Problematic Conduct [which means the Problematic Conduct prescribed in Article 112] in each business year starting within three years prior to the commencement of the relevant business year [excluding payments pertaining to transactions in cases where a Futures Commission Merchant receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market (excluding Commodity Clearing Transactions; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) from a Person with Specialized Knowledge and Experience (which means a person specified in Article 107; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market by using an Electronic Data Processing System (which means an Electronic Data Processing System connecting a computer used by the Futures Commodity Merchant and a computer [including the input/output devices] used by the customer through a telecommunications line; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) without carrying out solicitation]; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) to the total sum of the transaction amounts of the transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), items (i) to (iii) of the Act and the amount of the consideration for the transactions prescribed in item (iv) of the same paragraph (excluding the transaction amounts and the amount of the consideration for transactions in cases of transactions based on a person's own account and in cases where a Futures Commission Merchant receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market from a Person With Specialized Knowledge and Experience or receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market by using an Electronic Data Processing System without carrying out solicitation -- or the amount equivalent to 0.0001 percent of the transaction amounts, whichever amount is greater" in item (i) of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount equivalent to 0.003 percent of the transaction amounts of the transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (i) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (e)) in each business year," the phrase "such larger amount" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "such equivalent amount," the phrase "double the Problematic Conduct Rate, or by 0.0002 percent, whichever rate is higher" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "0.006 percent," the phrase "an amount obtained by multiplying -- an amount calculated by dividing the amount that has been obtained by deducting the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading and the amounts listed in (b) to (h) from ten million yen by double the Problematic Conduct Rate, or by 0.0002 percent, whichever rate is higher (or, if said calculated amount exceeds the transaction amount in the relevant business year, such amount shall be the transaction amount in the relevant business year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) -- by the Problematic Conduct Rate or an amount equivalent to 0.0001 percent of said calculated amount, whichever amount is greater" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "an amount equivalent to 0.003 percent of the amount calculated by dividing the amount that has been obtained by deducting the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading and the amounts listed in (b) to (h) from ten million yen by double the Problematic Conduct Rate, or by 0.0002 percent, whichever rate is higher (or, if said calculated amount exceeds the transaction amount in the relevant business year, such amount shall be the transaction amount in the relevant business year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item)," the phrase "the amount obtained by multiplying the transaction amount of transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (iii) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (g)) in each business year by the Problematic Conduct Rate, or the amount equivalent to 0.0001 percent of said transaction amount, whichever amount is greater" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount equivalent to 0.003 percent of the transaction amount of transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (iii) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (g)) in each business year," and the phrase "the amount obtained by multiplying the total sum of the consideration for transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (iv) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (h)) in each business year by the Problematic Conduct Rate, or the amount equivalent to 0.001 percent of said total sum of the consideration, whichever amount is greater" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount equivalent to 0.03 percent of the total sum of the consideration for transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (iv) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (h)) in each business year."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項の場合において、法第百九十条の許可(更新に係る許可を除く。)を受けた事業年度から三事業年度以内に積み立てられるべき商品取引責任準備金の金額は、同項第一号中「に事故率(当該事業年度開始日前三年以内に開始した各事業年度における事故(第百十二条に規定する事故をいう。)による支払額(商品取引員が、専門知識及び経験を有する者(第百七条で定める者をいう。以下この条において同じ。)から商品市場における取引等(商品清算取引を除く。以下この条において同じ。)の委託を受ける場合並びに電子情報処理組織(商品取引員の使用に係る電子計算機と、顧客の使用に係る電子計算機(入出力装置を含む。)とを電気通信回線で接続した電子情報処理組織をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を使用して勧誘を伴わずに商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合の取引に係る支払額を除く。)の合計額の、法第二条第八項第一号から第三号に規定する取引の取引金額と同項第四号に規定する取引の対価の額の合計額(自己の計算による取引並びに商品取引員が、専門知識及び経験を有する者から商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合並びに電子情報処理組織を使用して勧誘を伴わずに商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合の取引金額及び取引の対価の額を除く。)に占める割合をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を乗じた金額と取引金額の百万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額」とあるのは「の十万分の三に相当する金額」と、「当該いずれか大きい金額」とあるのは「当該相当する金額」と、「事故率に二を乗じて得た率と百万分の二とのいずれか大きい率」とあるのは「十万分の六」と、「に事故率を乗じた金額と当該除して計算した金額の百万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額」とあるのは「の十万分の三に相当する金額」と、「に事故率を乗じた金額と当該取引金額の百万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額」とあるのは「の十万分の三に相当する金額」と、「に事故率を乗じた金額と当該対価の額の合計額の十万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額」とあるのは、「の万分の三に相当する金額」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The provisions of Chapter III, Section 1, Subsection 5 (excluding Article 34-2, paragraphs (6) to (8) and Article 34-3, paragraph (5) and paragraph (6)) (Professional Investors) and Article 45 (excluding item (iii) and item (iv)) (Miscellaneous Provisions) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conclusion of a specified mutual aid contract (which means a mutual aid contract specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry as one which carries the risk of incurring a loss [which means the risk that the total amount of mutual aid premiums to be paid by the user as a result of the conclusion of said mutual aid contract would exceed the total amount of mutual aid money, etc. prescribed in Article 58, paragraph (6) to be acquired by said user as a result of the conclusion of said mutual aid contract] due to fluctuations in the money rate, value of currencies, quotations on the financial instruments market prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (14) of the same Act, and other indicators; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph) by a cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities; and the provisions of Section 1, Subsection 1 of the same Chapter (excluding Articles 35 to 36-4, Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 37-2, Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (ii) and item (vi) and paragraph (3), Article 37-5, Article 37-6, Article 38, item (i) and item (ii), Article 38-2, the proviso to Article 39, paragraph (3), Article 39, paragraph (5), Article 40-2, and Article 40-3) (General Rules) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conclusion of a specified mutual aid contract by a cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities or a mutual aid agent or to acting as an agent or intermediary therefor. In this case, the term "contract for a financial instruments transaction" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified mutual aid contract"; the term "financial instruments business" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a specified mutual aid contract or acting as an agent or intermediary therefor"; the term "Cabinet Office Ordinance" in these provisions (excluding the provisions of the main clause of Article 39, paragraph (3) of the same Act) shall be deemed to be replaced with "ordinance of the competent ministry"; the term "financial instruments business act" in these provisions (excluding the provisions of Article 34 of the same Act) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a specified mutual aid contract"; the phrase "contract to conduct financial instruments business acts (meaning acts listed in each item of Article 2, paragraph (8); the same shall apply hereinafter) with a customer as the other party or on behalf of a customer" in Article 34 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 9-7-5, paragraph (3) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act"; the phrase "intends to conclude a contract for a financial instruments transaction" in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "intends to conclude a contract for a financial instruments transaction, or acts as an agent or intermediary for such conclusion"; the term "the following matters" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the following matters and other important matters out of the provisions of the mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 300, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Insurance Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing terms pursuant to Article 9-7-5, paragraph (2) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act"; the term "financial instruments business operator, etc." in item (i) of the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities (which means a cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities prescribed in Article 9-7-5, paragraph (1) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act; hereinafter the same shall apply) or the cooperative for which said mutual aid agent (which means a mutual aid agent prescribed in paragraph (2) of the same Article) carries out mutual aid activities under entrustment"; the phrase "sales and purchase or any other transaction of securities (excluding sales and purchase on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance or other transactions designated by a Cabinet Order) or transaction of derivatives (hereinafter referred to as 'sales and purchase or transaction of securities, etc.' in this Article)" in Article 39, paragraph (1), item (i) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a specified mutual aid contract"; the phrase "securities or transaction of derivatives (hereinafter referred to as 'securities, etc.' in this Article)" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified mutual aid contract"; the phrase "customer (in the case where a trust company, etc. [meaning a trust company or financial institution that has obtained approval under Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Provision, etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions; the same shall apply hereinafter] conducts the sales and purchase of securities or transaction of derivatives for the account of the person who sets up a trust under a trust contract, including such person who sets up the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "user"; the term "loss" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "loss (which means, in the case where the total amount of mutual aid premiums to be paid by the user as a result of the conclusion of said specified mutual aid contract exceeds the total amount of mutual aid money, etc. [which means mutual aid money, etc. prescribed in Article 58, paragraph (6) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item] to be acquired by said user as a result of the conclusion of said specified mutual aid contract, the amount obtained by deducting the total amount of said mutual aid money, etc. from the total amount of said mutual aid premiums; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)"; the phrase "property benefit will be provided to the customer or such third party in order for the financial instruments business operator, etc. or the third party to compensate or make up for" in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with "property benefit will be provided to the customer or such third party, separately from said specified mutual aid contract, in order for the financial instruments business operator, etc. or the third party to compensate or make up for"; the term "sales and purchase or transaction of securities, etc." in item (ii) and item (iii) of the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a specified mutual aid contract"; the term "securities, etc." in the same provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified mutual aid contract"; the phrase "property benefit will be provided to the customer in order for the financial instruments business operator, etc. or such third party to compensate for the whole or part of a loss incurred by the customer from the relevant securities, etc. or make an addition to" in item (ii) of the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "property benefit will be provided to the customer, separately from said specified mutual aid contract, in order for the financial instruments business operator, etc. or such third party to compensate for the whole or part of a loss incurred by the customer from the relevant securities, etc. or make an addition to"; the phrase "providing property benefit to a customer or a third party or having a third party provide it to a customer, with regard to the sales and purchase or transaction of securities, etc., in order to compensate for the whole or part of a loss incurred by the customer from the relevant securities, etc. or make an addition to" in item (iii) of the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "providing property benefit to a customer or a third party, separately from said specified mutual aid contract, or having a third party provide it to a customer, with regard to the sales and purchase or transaction of securities, etc., in order to compensate for the whole or part of a loss incurred by the customer from the relevant securities, etc. or make an addition to"; the term "sales and purchase or transaction of securities, etc." in paragraph (2) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a specified mutual aid contract"; the phrase "that is designated by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a potential cause" in paragraph (3) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "that is a potential cause"; the phrase "Articles 37-2 to 37-6, Article 40-2, paragraph (4), and Article 43-4" in Article 45, item (ii) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 37-3 (limited to the portions pertaining to the matters listed in the items of paragraph (1), and excluding item (ii) and item (vi) of the same paragraph and paragraph (3)) and Article 37-4"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 金融商品取引法(昭和二十三年法律第二十五号)第三章第一節第五款(第三十四条の二第六項から第八項まで並びに第三十四条の三第五項及び第六項を除く。)(特定投資家)及び第四十五条(第三号及び第四号を除く。)(雑則)の規定は共済事業を行う協同組合が行う特定共済契約(金利、通貨の価格、同法第二条第十四項に規定する金融商品市場における相場その他の指標に係る変動により損失が生ずるおそれ(当該共済契約が締結されることにより利用者の支払うこととなる共済掛金の合計額が、当該共済契約が締結されることにより当該利用者の取得することとなる第五十八条第六項に規定する共済金等の合計額を上回ることとなるおそれをいう。)がある共済契約として主務省令で定めるものをいう。以下この項において同じ。)の締結について、同章第二節第一款(第三十五条から第三十六条の四まで、第三十七条第一項第二号、第三十七条の二、第三十七条の三第一項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項、第三十七条の五、第三十七条の六、第三十八条第一号及び第二号、第三十八条の二、第三十九条第三項ただし書及び第五項、第四十条の二並びに第四十条の三を除く。)(通則)の規定は共済事業を行う協同組合又は共済代理店が行う特定共済契約の締結又はその代理若しくは媒介について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「金融商品取引契約」とあるのは「特定共済契約」と、「金融商品取引業」とあるのは「特定共済契約の締結又はその代理若しくは媒介の事業」と、これらの規定(同法第三十九条第三項本文の規定を除く。)中「内閣府令」とあるのは「主務省令」と、これらの規定(同法第三十四条の規定を除く。)中「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「特定共済契約の締結」と、同法第三十四条中「顧客を相手方とし、又は顧客のために金融商品取引行為(第二条第八項各号に掲げる行為をいう。以下同じ。)を行うことを内容とする契約」とあるのは「中小企業等協同組合法第九条の七の五第三項に規定する特定共済契約」と、同法第三十七条の三第一項中「締結しようとするとき」とあるのは「締結しようとするとき、又はその締結の代理若しくは媒介を行うとき」と、「次に掲げる事項」とあるのは「次に掲げる事項その他中小企業等協同組合法第九条の七の五第二項において読み替えて準用する保険業法第三百条第一項第一号に規定する共済契約の契約条項のうち重要な事項」と、同項第一号中「金融商品取引業者等」とあるのは「共済事業を行う協同組合(中小企業等協同組合法第九条の七の五第一項に規定する共済事業を行う協同組合をいう。以下この号において同じ。)又は当該共済代理店(同条第二項に規定する共済代理店をいう。)がその委託を受けた共済事業を行う協同組合」と、同法第三十九条第一項第一号中「有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)」とあるのは「特定共済契約の締結」と、「有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)」とあるのは「特定共済契約」と、「顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「利用者」と、「損失」とあるのは「損失(当該特定共済契約が締結されることにより利用者の支払う共済掛金の合計額が当該特定共済契約が締結されることにより当該利用者の取得する共済金等(中小企業等協同組合法第五十八条第六項に規定する共済金等をいう。以下この号において同じ。)の合計額を上回る場合における当該共済掛金の合計額から当該共済金等の合計額を控除した金額をいう。以下この条において同じ。)」と、「補足するため」とあるのは「補足するため、当該特定共済契約によらないで」と、同項第二号及び第三号中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定共済契約の締結」と、「有価証券等」とあるのは「特定共済契約」と、同項第二号中「追加するため」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定共済契約によらないで」と、同項第三号中「追加するため、」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定共済契約によらないで」と、同条第二項中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定共済契約の締結」と、同条第三項中「原因となるものとして内閣府令で定めるもの」とあるのは「原因となるもの」と、同法第四十五条第二号中「第三十七条の二から第三十七条の六まで、第四十条の二第四項及び第四十三条の四」とあるのは「第三十七条の三(第一項各号に掲げる事項に係る部分に限り、同項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項を除く。)及び第三十七条の四」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The terman entity handling personal informationmeans a business operator using a personal information database, etc. for its business excluding the state organs, local governments, incorporated administrative agencies, etc. provided in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. (Act No. 59 of 2003), local independent administrative institutions provided in the Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies Law (Act No. 118 of 2003), and entities having a little likelihood to harm the rights and interests of individuals considering the volume and the manner of utilization of personal information they handle. The above stated phraseentities having a little likelihood to harm the rights and interests of individuals considering the volume and the manner of utilization of personal information they handlemeans, according to Article 2 of the Cabinet Order, an entity that has a total number of specific individuals* identified by personal information that makes up personal information databases, etc. used for its business not exceeding 5,000 on every single day in the last six months.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ここでいう「取り扱う個人情報の量及び利用方法からみて個人の権利利益を害するおそれが少ない者」とは、政令第2条では、その事業の用に供する個人情報データベース等を構成する個人情報によって識別される特定の個人の数※の合計が過去6か月以内のいずれの日においても5000人を超えない者とする。5000人を超えるか否かは、当該事業者の管理するすべての個人情報データベース等を構成する個人情報によって識別される特定の個人の数の総和により判断する。ただし、同一個人の重複分は除くものとする。 - 経済産業省


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