



redemption priceとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 償還価格; 買い戻し価格

JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「redemption price」の意味

redemption price

「redemption price」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 20


Brands are regarded as objects of conversion and early redemption reference prices and early redemption evaluation days are set individually and respectively; and the early redemption reference prices and stock prices are compared with each other by the brands and partial redemption is performed with the corresponding capital of a brand exceeding its early redemption reference price for the band.例文帳に追加

複数銘柄を転換対象銘柄とし、上記各銘柄に対して早期償還基準価格と、早期償還評価日を各々独立に設定し、早期償還評価日における早期償還基準価格と株価とを、前記銘柄ごとに比較し、自己の早期償還基準価格を上回った銘柄について、その部分の相当元本で部分償還する。 - 特許庁

Article 96 In addition to what is listed in the items of Article 59, the matters to be registered for a registration of a special agreement on redemption shall be the purchase price and contract cost paid by the buyer, and if there is a provision on the period for redemption, such provision.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第九十六条 買戻しの特約の登記の登記事項は、第五十九条各号に掲げるもののほか、買主が支払った代金及び契約の費用並びに買戻しの期間の定めがあるときはその定めとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(7) Discount bonds prescribed in the preceding paragraphs shall mean government or company bonds (limited to those specified by a Cabinet Order) issued by means of a discount, except for those listed in the following, and profit from the redemption prescribed in these paragraphs shall mean margin profit generated when the redemption price of discount bonds (or the purchase price of discount bonds in the case of retirement by purchase) exceeds the issue price thereof:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

7 前各項に規定する割引債とは、割引の方法により発行される公社債(政令で定めるものに限る。)で次に掲げるもの以外のものをいい、これらの規定に規定する償還差益とは、割引債の償還金額(買入消却が行われる場合には、その買入金額)がその発行価額を超える場合におけるその差益をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

C. Regarding bonds whose redemption terms depend on the stock market condition, such as bonds exchangeable with stocks of other companies and Nikkei Average-linked bonds with a special redemption provision (hereinafter referred toEBs, etc.”), the definition of asituation disadvantageous to the customermay be changed from A. above toa case in which the price of the relevant stock at the time when the securities companies, etc., solicit customers to acquire or sell EBs, etc., in a secondary offer to them (or the closing price of the stock on the previous day) has fallen more than 7% below the initial price (the price of the relevant stock used as a basis for determining the issuance terms or the price regarded by individual companies as equivalent thereto).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ハ.他社株転換権付社債や償還特約付日経平均リンク債といった株式市場の相場により償還条件が決まる債券(以下「EB等」という。)に関する「顧客にとって不利な状況」については、イの方法に代えて、EB等を取得させ又は売り付けようとする時点の対象銘柄の価格(又はその前日の対象銘柄の終値)が、当初価格 - 金融庁

(ii) The sum of the face value and the sum of the issue price of the discount bonds for which the requester intends to receive redemption (where the said issue price is not clear, the issue price, etc. on the final issue date for the said discount bonds) and the amount of income tax on the said discount bonds collected pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(3) of the Act発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

二 償還を受ける割引債の券面金額の合計額及び発行価額(当該発行価額が明らかでないときは、当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額等)の合計額並びに当該割引債につき法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により徴収された所得税の額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 26-12 (1) The amount of income tax to be refunded pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(5) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by deducting the redemption price (where retirement by purchase is performed, the purchase price) from the face value of the discount bonds set forth in the said paragraph and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for the said discount bonds collected at the time of issue, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the said Article.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十二 法第四十一条の十二第五項の規定により還付する所得税の額は、同項の割引債の券面金額から償還金額(買入消却が行なわれる場合には、その買入金額)を控除した金額に、当該割引債の発行の際に同条第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 26-12 (1) The amount of income tax to be refunded pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12, paragraph (5) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by deducting the redemption price (where retirement by purchase is performed, the purchase price; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) from the face value of the discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount listed as follows) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issue, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of said Article.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十二 法第四十一条の十二第五項の規定により還付する所得税の額は、割引債の券面金額から償還金額(買入消却が行われる場合には、その買入金額。以下この項において同じ。)を控除した金額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、次に掲げる金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同条第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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日英・英日専門用語辞書での「redemption price」の意味

redemption price

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「redemption price」の意味

redemption price

「redemption price」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 20


(i) The amount obtained by deducting the redemption price from the face value of the discount bonds issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation listed in Article 141, item (i) of the Corporation Tax Act and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of the amount listed in (b) out of the amount listed in (a):発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 法人税法第百四十一条第一号に掲げる外国法人が国外において発行した割引債の券面金額から償還金額を控除した金額にイに掲げる金額のうちにロに掲げる金額の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) The amount obtained by deducting the redemption price from the face value of the discount bonds issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation listed in Article 141, item (ii) or item (iii) of the Corporation Tax Act and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of the amount listed in (b) out of the amount listed in (a):発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

二 法人税法第百四十一条第二号又は第三号に掲げる外国法人が国外において発行した割引債の券面金額から償還金額を控除した金額にイに掲げる金額のうちにロに掲げる金額の占める割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) In cases where a customer has made a pre-auction government bond transaction, the issue name and price of the government bond, the transaction amount and items notified in the transaction report at the time of the execution of the relevant transaction (excluding the scheduled redemption date and the contracted yield) must be notified to the customer after the auction of the relevant government bond.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

② 顧客が国債の入札前取引を行った場合であって、当該国債に係る入札が成立した後においては、当該取引に係る銘柄、単価及び金額並びに当該取引の約定の際に取引報告書において通知した事項(償還予定日及び約定利回りを除く。) - 金融庁

As for the setting up of the insurance redemption price of medical technologies, etc., examine reported overseas cases and consider the possibility for technology adaptation, in order to conduct evaluations on technologies including their cost-effectiveness, while securing incentives for the evaluation and development of further innovation.例文帳に追加

医療技術等の保険償還価格の設定に関し、更なるイノベーションの評価や開発のインセンティブを確保しつつ費用対効果を勘案した技術等の評価を行うため、海外報告事例の調査や適応の可能性の検討等を実施 - 厚生労働省

Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be deducted from corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12(4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of the said income tax (where the amount of the said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where the said discount bonds are national government bonds listed in Article 41-12(9)(i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in the said paragraph or other national government bonds specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national government bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for the said discount bonds, and where the said discount bonds are the said short-term national government bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to the said issue price for the said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13(1)(i) and (5)(ii)) from the face value of the said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for the said discount bonds collected at the time of issue pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(3) of the Act, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the next Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2(1)(i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where the said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12(9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the next paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)" in paragraph (3) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額に、当該割引債の発行の際に法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Where redemption is made after the redemption date: Out of the income tax collected on the said discount bonds pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(3) of the Act (where the amount of the said income tax is not clear, the amount obtained by deducting the issue price, etc. on the final issue date for the said discount bonds from the face value of the said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for the said discount bonds collected at the time of issue pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), the amount corresponding to the period during which a corporation or trustee prescribed in Article 41-12(6) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "non-taxable corporation, etc." in this Article) held the said discount bonds発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 その償還期限後において償還する場合 当該割引債につき法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により徴収された所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、当該割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額等を控除した残額に、当該割引債の発行の際に同項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額。以下この条において同じ。)のうち、法第四十一条の十二第六項に規定する法人又は受託者(以下この条において「非課税法人等」という。)が当該割引債を所有していた期間に対応する部分の金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Where redemption is made after the redemption date: Out of the income tax collected on said discount bonds pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12, paragraph (3) of the Act (where the amount of said income tax is not clear, the amount obtained by deducting the issue price, etc. on the final issue date for said discount bonds from the face value of said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount specified by Cabinet Order, prescribed in said paragraph) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issuance pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), the amount corresponding to the period during which a domestic corporation or trustee prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (6) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "non-taxable corporation, etc." in this Article) held said discount bonds発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 その償還期限後において償還する場合 当該割引債につき法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により徴収された所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、当該割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額等を控除した残額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、同項に規定する政令で定める金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額。以下この条において同じ。)のうち、法第四十一条の十二第六項に規定する内国法人又は受託者(以下この条において「非課税法人等」という。)が当該割引債を所有していた期間に対応する部分の金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be credited against corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of said income tax (where the amount of said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where said discount bonds are national bonds listed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9), items (i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in said paragraph or other national bonds specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for said discount bonds, and where said discount bonds are said short-term national bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to said issue price for said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (5), item (ii)) from the face value of said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount specified by Cabinet Order, prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (3) of the Act) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issuance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of said Article, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption (meaning profit from redemption as prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (7) (Separate Taxation, etc. on Profit from Redemption, etc.) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (3))"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)" in paragraph (3) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、法第四十一条の十二第三項に規定する政令で定める金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同条第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第七項(償還差益等に係る分離課税等)に規定する償還差益をいう。次項及び第三項において同じ。)」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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