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shareholder registerとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 株主名簿

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「shareholder register」の意味

shareholder register

「shareholder register」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 5


(vii) If an administrator of the shareholder register has been appointed, a document proving the contract with such person発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

七株主名簿管理人を置いたときは、その者との契約を証する書面 - 経済産業省

(vi) when there are provisions of the articles of incorporation to appoint an administrator of the shareholder register, the name and the address and the business office of that person;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

六株主名簿管理人を置く旨の定款の定めがあるときは、その氏名又は名称及び住所並 びに営業所 - 経済産業省

(3) The provisions of Article 57, paragraphs (4) and (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the market rules and Trading Participant register that are kept pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1). In this case, the phrase "A member and a creditor of a Member Commodity Exchange" in paragraph (4) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "A shareholder, Trading Participant and creditor of a Incorporated Commodity Exchange," the phrase "during the business hours of the Member Commodity Exchange" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "during the business hours of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange," the phrase "decided by the Member Commodity Exchange" in the proviso of the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "decided by the Incorporated Commodity Exchange" and the term "Member Commodity Exchange" in paragraph (5) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Incorporated Commodity Exchange."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第五十七条第四項及び第五項の規定は、第一項の規定により備え置く業務規程及び取引参加者名簿について準用する。この場合において、同条第四項中「会員及び会員商品取引所の債権者」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所の株主、取引参加者及び債権者」と、「会員商品取引所の事業時間内」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所の営業時間内」と、同項ただし書中「会員商品取引所の定めた」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所の定めた」と、同条第五項中「会員商品取引所」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The provisions of Article 57, paragraphs 4 and 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the market rules and Trading Participant register that are kept pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1. In this case, the phrase "A member and a creditor of a Member Commodity Exchange" in paragraph 4 of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "A shareholder, Trading Participant and creditor of a Incorporated Commodity Exchange," the phrase "during the business hours of the Member Commodity Exchange" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "during the business hours of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange," the phrase "decided by the Member Commodity Exchange" in the proviso of the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "decided by the Incorporated Commodity Exchange" and the term "Member Commodity Exchange" in paragraph 5 of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Incorporated Commodity Exchange."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第五十七条第四項及び第五項の規定は、第一項の規定により備え置く業務規程及び取引参加者名簿について準用する。この場合において、同条第四項中「会員及び会員商品取引所の債権者」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所の株主、取引参加者及び債権者」と、「会員商品取引所の事業時間内」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所の営業時間内」と、同項ただし書中「会員商品取引所の定めた」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所の定めた」と、同条第五項中「会員商品取引所」とあるのは「株式会社商品取引所」と読み替えるものとする。 - 経済産業省


The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 130, paragraph 1, item 4 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) the total number of shares of stock which an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion can issue (in the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock, including the total number of the respective types of classified shares of stock that can be issued at the time of entity conversion); (ii) when the matters listed in the respective items of Article 107, paragraph 1 of the Company Act are specified as being the contents of Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion issued by an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion (excluding the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock), the contents of said shares of stock; (iii) when it is determined that an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion (limited to the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock) shall issue Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion with different contents with regard to the matters listed in the respective items of Article 108, paragraph 1 of the Company Act, the contents of the respective types of shares of stock (in the case where there are the provisions of the articles of incorporation set forth in paragraph 3 of the same Article with regard to a certain type of shares of stock, and when the contents of said type of shares of stock are not specified by an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion pursuant to said articles of incorporation, the outline of the contents of said type of shares of stock); (iv) when there are provisions of the articles of incorporation with regard to the number of shares per unit, said number of shares per unit (in the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock, the number of respective shares per unit); (v) when the articles of incorporation of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion have the following provisions, said provisions: (a) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 139, paragraph 1, Article 140, paragraph 5, or Article 145, item 1 or item 2 of the Company Act; (b) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 164, paragraph 1 of the Company Act; (c) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 167, paragraph 3 of the Company Act; (d) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 168, paragraph 1, or Article 169, paragraph 2 of the Company Act; (e) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 174 of the Company Act; (f) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 347 of the Company Act; (g) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 26, item 1 or item 2 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Company Act; (vi) when there are provisions of the articles of incorporation to appoint an administrator of the shareholder register, the name and the address and the business office of that person; (vii) the matters specified by the articles of incorporation (excluding the matters listed in Article 203, paragraphs 1, items 1 to 3 inclusive of the Company Act and in the preceding items), and whose notification was requested by a person, who seeks to file an application to subscribe for the Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion to said Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

法第百三十条第一項第四号に規定する主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。一組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が発行することができる株式の総数(組織変更後株 式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会社である場合にあっては、各種類の組織変更時発 行株式の発行可能種類株式総数を含む。)二組織変更後株式会社商品取引所(組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会 社である場合を除く。)が発行する組織変更時発行株式の内容として会社法第百七条 第一項各号に掲げる事項を定めているときは、当該株式の内容 三組織変更後株式会社商品取引所(組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会 社である場合に限る。)が会社法第百八条第一項各号に掲げる事項につき内容の異な る組織変更時発行株式を発行することとしているときは、各種類の株式の内容(ある 種類の株式につき同条第三項の定款の定めがある場合において、当該定款の定めによ り組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が当該種類の株式の内容を定めていないときは、当 該種類の株式の内容の要綱) 四単元株式数についての定款の定めがあるときは、その単元株式数(組織変更後株式 会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会社である場合にあっては、各種類の株式の単元株式 数)五組織変更後株式会社商品取引所の定款に次に掲げる定めがあるときは、その規定 イ会社法第百三十九条第一項、第百四十条第五項又は第百四十五条第一号若しくは 第二号に規定する定款の定め ロ会社法第百六十四条第一項に規定する定款の定め ハ会社法第百六十七条第三項に規定する定款の定め ニ会社法第百六十八条第一項又は第百六十九条第二項に規定する定款の定め ホ会社法第百七十四条に規定する定款の定め ヘ会社法第三百四十七条に規定する定款の定め ト会社法施行規則第二十六条第一号又は第二号に規定する定款の定め 六株主名簿管理人を置く旨の定款の定めがあるときは、その氏名又は名称及び住所並 びに営業所 七定款に定められた事項(会社法第二百三条第一項第一号から第三号まで及び前各号 に掲げる事項を除く。)であって、当該組織変更後株式会社商品取引所に対して組織 - 77 - 変更時発行株式の引受けの申込みをしようとする者が当該者に対して通知することを 請求した事項 - 経済産業省


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「shareholder register」の意味に関連した用語
株主名簿記載の変更 英和専門語辞典

株主名簿 日英・英日専門用語

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