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JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「supplementary recommendation」の意味

supplementary recommendation

「supplementary recommendation」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 6


(3) The Prime Minister may, only when he/she finds that the extension of Financial Assistance by the Incorporating Corporation is indispensable for the Re-succession of Insurance Contracts pertaining to the recommendation of paragraph (1), make a supplementary note in said recommendation, notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, that the offer of Article 270-3-11, paragraph (1) may be made.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 内閣総理大臣は、設立機構による資金援助が行われることが第一項の勧告に係る保険契約の再承継を行うために不可欠であると認めるときに限り、当該勧告に、前条第一項の規定にかかわらず、第二百七十条の三の十一第一項の申込みを行うことができる旨を付記することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The Prime Minister may, only when he/she finds that the extension of Financial Assistance by the Underwriting Corporation is indispensable for the Re-Transfer of Insurance Contracts pertaining to the recommendation of paragraph (1), make a supplementary note in said recommendation, notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, that the offer of Article 270-6-2, paragraph (1) may be made.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 内閣総理大臣は、引受機構による資金援助が行われることが第一項の勧告に係る保険契約の再移転を行うために不可欠であると認めるときに限り、当該勧告に、前条第一項の規定にかかわらず、第二百七十条の六の二第一項の申込みを行うことができる旨を付記することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 269 (1) The Prime Minister may, only in cases that fall under all of the following requirements, make a supplementary note in the recommendation of Article 256, paragraph (1), notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, that the offer of Article 266, paragraph (1) may be made:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二百六十九条 内閣総理大臣は、次に掲げる要件のすべてに該当する場合に限り、第二百五十六条第一項の勧告に、前条第一項の規定にかかわらず、第二百六十六条第一項の申込みを行うことができる旨を付記することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 12 (1) With regard to a notification made to prefectural governors prior to the enforcement of a Municipal Ordinance on Green Space-Area Ratios, etc., under Article 6, paragraph (1), Article 7, paragraph (1), or Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Factory Location Act, or Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Investigation of Factory Location, etc., for which any disposition of a recommendation, an order to change matters related to a recommendation, or reduction of a period to restrict implementation has not been rendered as on the date of the enforcement of a Municipal Ordinance on Green Space-Area Ratios, etc., the provisions then in force shall remain applicable to such recommendation, order to change matters related to a recommendation, or reduction of a period to restrict implementation.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十二条 緑地面積率等条例の施行前に都道府県知事にされた工場立地法第六条第一項、第七条第一項若しくは第八条第一項又は工場立地の調査等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律附則第三条第一項の規定による届出であって緑地面積率等条例の施行の日において勧告、勧告に係る事項を変更すべき旨の命令又は実施の制限の期間の短縮の処理がされていないものについての勧告、勧告に係る事項を変更すべき旨の命令又は実施の制限の期間の短縮については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 4 With regard to a restriction on the commencement of business or the increase of the store floor area of a retail business to which a public notice given pursuant to the provision of Article 3, paragraph (2) or paragraph (3) of the Act on the Adjustment of Business Activities of Retail Business at Large-scale Retail Stores prior to the repeal as prescribed in Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Act") pertains, or with regard to a notification, change of notification, succession, recommendation, order to change matters in a recommendation, order to suspend business, report or on-site inspection as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), Article 6, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), or Article 9, paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) of the Former Act, in cases where any of such acts has been conducted prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第四条 この法律の施行前にされた附則第二条の規定による廃止前の大規模小売店舗における小売業の事業活動の調整に関する法律(以下「旧法」という。)第三条第二項若しくは第三項の規定による公示に係る小売業の営業開始若しくは店舗面積の増加の制限又は旧法第五条第一項、第六条第一項若しくは第二項若しくは第九条第一項から第三項までの規定による届出、届出に係る変更、承継、勧告、勧告に係る事項を変更すべき旨の命令、営業を停止すべき旨の命令若しくは報告若しくは立入検査については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(3) Where a Municipal Ordinance on Green Space-Area Ratios, etc. has been repealed or has become invalid, an agreed zone for intensively promoting the establishment of new business facilities has been abolished, or a Municipal Ordinance that establishes transitional measures as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipal Ordinance on Transitional Measures" in this paragraph) has been repealed or has become invalid, and as a result, a specified factory has ceased to be subject to the rules established by said Municipal Ordinance on Green Space-Area Ratios, etc. (when a Municipal Ordinance on Transitional Measures has been established, said Municipal Ordinance on Transitional Measures), with regard to such specified factory, a notification which was made, under Article 6, paragraph (1), Article 7, paragraph (1), or Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Factory Location Act, or Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Investigation of Factory Location, etc., to the head of a municipality who is specified to carry out affairs pertaining to the agreed zone for intensively promoting the establishment of new business facilities related to said Municipal Ordinance on Green Space-Area Ratios, etc. or affairs pertaining to a specified factory set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article related to said Municipal Ordinance on Transitional Measures (excluding the head of a designated city set forth in Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act), prior to the date of repeal or invalidity of said Municipal Ordinance on Green Space-Area Ratios, etc., the date of the abolition of said agreed zone for intensively promoting the establishment of new business facilities, and the date of repeal or invalidity of said Municipal Ordinance on Transitional Measures, respectively, shall be deemed to have been made to the prefectural governor pertaining to the agreed zone for intensively promoting the establishment of new business facilities related to said Municipal Ordinance on Green Space-Area Ratios, etc., after the respective date of repeal, abolition, or invalidity (hereinafter referred to as the "specified date" in this Article); provided, however, that with regard to said notification, for which any disposition of a recommendation, an order to change matters related to a recommendation, or reduction of a period to restrict implementation has not been rendered as on the specified date, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable to such recommendation, order to change matters related to a recommendation, or reduction of a period to restrict implementation.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 緑地面積率等条例の廃止若しくは失効、同意企業立地重点促進区域の廃止又は前条第一項の規定により経過措置を定める条例(以下この項において「経過措置条例」という。)の廃止若しくは失効により、当該緑地面積率等条例(経過措置条例が定められている場合にあっては、当該経過措置条例)で定めた準則の適用を受けないこととなった特定工場について、それぞれ当該緑地面積率等条例の廃止若しくは失効の日、当該同意企業立地重点促進区域の廃止の日又は当該経過措置条例の廃止若しくは失効の日前に当該緑地面積率等条例に係る同意企業立地重点促進区域に係る事務又は当該経過措置条例に係る同条第一項の特定工場に係る事務を行うものとされた市町村の長(地方自治法第二百五十二条の十九第一項の指定都市の長を除く。)にされた工場立地法第六条第一項、第七条第一項若しくは第八条第一項又は工場立地の調査等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律附則第三条第一項の規定による届出は、それぞれの廃止又は失効の日(以下この条において「特定日」という。)以後においては、当該緑地面積率等条例に係る同意企業立地重点促進区域に係る都道府県の知事にされたものとみなす。ただし、当該届出であって特定日において勧告、勧告に係る事項を変更すべき旨の命令又は実施の制限の期間の短縮の処理がされていないものについての勧告、勧告に係る事項を変更すべき旨の命令又は実施の制限の期間の短縮については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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