



英和・和英辞典で「they were real.」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「they were real.」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 37


They were involved in affairs in the real world, and never hesitated to fight in battles.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

俗世に関わり武装闘争をも辞さなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Multiple real-time signals of the same type are delivered in the order they were sent.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

同じタイプのリアルタイムシグナルは送信された順番に到着する。 - JM

Therefore, their real names were hardly known no matter how popular they were.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そのため、女房として活躍した人物であっても、女房名以外の実名がわかっている例はすくない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since Nagaoka domain lost 60% of real income, they were in financial difficulties, and retainers of Nagaoka domain were struggling to even find something to eat for a day.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

実収にして6割を失って財政が窮乏し、藩士たちはその日の食にも苦慮する状態であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Haikomei used by the samurai class were assumed names, while in the merchant class they were real names due to merchants not having an imina (personal name).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

武士階級が仮名なのに対して、諱を持たぬ町人の場合は正真正銘の本名として用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Though in later years there were some cases that a parent had no real child and Yushi became heir, they were regarded as exceptions.)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(ただし、後世においても例外的に実子が無かった場合に猶子を相続人にする例も存在したが、これは特例として考えられる。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They were made with an unique sense of design, so they cut a figure of the real human body completely out of proportion, in other words, they were deformed so much as to be barely recognizable as a human-like figure.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

現実の人体の比例とは全く異った姿に表わされ、かろうじて人物像と認識できる段階までデフォルメされたものが多く、独特の造形感覚で作られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the clay figures are designed quite differently from real human beings, it is apparent that the figures were not made to represent real Jomon people; therefore, it is doubtful that they represent the real form of clothing from those days.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、土偶のデザインがリアルな人間とかけ離れていることから、当時の人々を写実的に表現したものではないことは明らかで、実際の衣服の実態をどの程度反映しているかはっきりしない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 2006, they were formed around the All Nippon Kyudo Federation as an international organization for Kyudo, but as of 2008 no real activity is taking place.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2006年、弓道の国際組織として全日本弓道連盟を中心に結成されたが、2008年現在本格的な活動は行われていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They were allegedly involved in selling real estate to a "sokaiya" racketeer at very low prices.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

彼らは,総会屋の脅(きょう)迫(はく)者に非常に安い価格で土地を売却したことに関与していたとされている。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

They used the word "minto" to call themselves with the consciousness that they were the real representatives of the people, and they regarded their opponents as the group having a cozy relationship with the government officials and despised the group by calling it "rito" (literally, the parties of the government officials, it is the discriminatory term used by the members and supporters of minto).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

彼らは自分達こそが国民・民衆の代表であるとする意識から、「民党」という言葉を用い、反対勢力を政府官吏と癒着した勢力と看做して「吏党」と呼んで卑下した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He says he is sorry that they were hiding their real backgrounds and real faces and that without knowing he should have served Gengobe from the beginning, he cheated him out of money; besides he says he will die taking the blame for all the crimes and asks Gengobe to join the avengers.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

お互いの素性も顔も知らぬ故に、主筋と知らず源五兵衛から金を騙し取ったと悔やむ三五郎は、源五兵衛の犯した罪も全て引き受けると言って、源五兵衛に仇討ちに加わるようにと願い出る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although 'shore-burning' is the normal condition for those who are used to seeing the present rocky shores and they can not get a real sense of that term, half a century ago, people commonly saw rocky shores under water which were so densely covered with marine plants that rocks were not visible.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

なお、現代の磯を見慣れている人には「磯焼け」が常態であるのでこの言葉に実感はないが、半世紀前の人々が普通に見た磯(水中)は、岩などが見えないほど海草が生い茂っていたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were two examples of Shosei in Japan, Prince Naka no Oe and Emperor Jito in Asuka period, both are recorded in the "Chronicles of Japan" as if they were practically real Emperors.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

日本では飛鳥時代に中大兄皇子と持統天皇の二例が見られるが、どちらも日本書紀では一見してほとんど事実上の天皇と同然に記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a device and a system for presence communication that can build up a communication environment as if one person were working on a place of one's own together with other person and the other person were working on a place of the other person together with the one person even when they are resident in different real spaces and are working at their respective places.例文帳に追加

本発明は、異なった実空間に存在していて、お互いがその場所で作業していても、お互いに、相手が自分の場所にいて作業しているかのような通信環境を構築することを目的としている。 - 特許庁

Among the genealogies of The Tale of Genji, in which characters in "The Tale of Genji" were systematically written in the form of genealogy as if they were the real people, Genji monogatari kokeizu (old genealogies on the Tale of Genji) refers to the ones that were made before the genealogy produced by Sanetaka SANJONISHI.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

源氏物語古系図(げんじものがたりこけいず)とは、『源氏物語』の登場人物を実在の人物と同様に系図の形式で書き表した源氏物語系図(げんじものがたりけいず)のうち、三条西実隆が整えたとされるもの以前のものをいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was danger that the general public would fall into great confusion if they were suddenly told that what they had was counterfeit money and was only worth ¼ of the real value, especially since they could not tell apart their currency from counterfeit or specie, and this could develop into to an uproar such as uprisings or vandalism.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一般の人民は自分の持っている通貨の真贋を見極められないのに、ある日突然それは贋金だからとその価値を4分の1にされたら人々は大混乱に陥り、各地で一揆や打ちこわしなどの騒ぎに発展する危険性がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was brought up iat Rokujoin and, after Genji's death, he was brought up by Emperor Reizei (tenth Imperial Prince of the Emperor Kiritsubo, but in reality, Genji's child) and Akikonomu Chugu, who did not have any children and they treated him favorably as if he were their own real child.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

六条院で育ち、源氏没後は、子のなかった冷泉帝(表向きは桐壺帝の第十皇子、実は源氏の子)と秋好中宮に実子同然にかわいがられ育つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In productions where the period is unspecified or set from the Meiji period onwards when common people were allowed to have surnames, the performers occasionally introduce characters whose surnames relate back to the real names of the storytellers to whom they are related, and whose family names are common.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

時代設定を特に定めない、あるいは庶民にも名字を名乗ることが許された明治以降に置いた演出では、演者にゆかりのある噺家の本名に因みかつ一般的な姓が出る場合がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, he was hopelessly outnumbered and committed suicide (according to some historical materials, the real mother of Nobutada's child Hidenobu ODA was actually Princess Matsu, but even the possibility that Princess Matsu and Nobutada met while they were alive is low, and it is considered to be some mistake).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、衆寡敵せず自刃して果てる(一部の史料には信忠の子・織田秀信の生母は実は松姫だったとするものもあるが、生前に松姫と信忠が会ったという可能性すら低く、何らかの誤りと考えられている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Asian countries managed to avoid the first round effect of the crisis, they were not immune from adverse real economy effects, such as declining demand in developed markets and the consequent drop in exports.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

金融危機そのものによる影響は逃れたアジア諸国も、先進国市場での需要の減少とそれに伴う輸出の落ち込み等実体経済面での影響は免れません。 - 財務省

To provide an altar and altar constructing members which can make a massive decoration even with artificial flowers as if they were real flowers and reduce a funeral cost.例文帳に追加

造花で飾った場合でも、生花に見劣りしないだけのボリューム感を表現できると共に、葬儀にかかるコストを低減できる祭壇およびその構成部材を提供する。 - 特許庁

There were no businesses in the Theme Type that consulted with real estate companies. Instead, they consulted with TMOs,10) community development companies, city offices, and Chambers of Commerce and Industry.例文帳に追加

テーマ型においては、不動産会社に相談する事業者は皆無で、相談先としてTMO10・まちづくり会社、市役所、商工会議所が挙げられている。 - 経済産業省

According to "Nihon Gaishi" (historical book on Japan) written by Sanyo RAI during the Edo period, it was written that 'We will be reviewed by Nobunaga.' when they departed Kameyama-jo Castle with the intention to attack Nobunaga made clear to all the troops only after they crossed the Katsura-gawa River, but it is a widely-accepted view that, in reality, only a limited number of key vassals were informed of the real intention.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の頼山陽の『日本外史』では、亀山城出陣の際に「信長の閲兵を受けるのだ」として桂川渡河後に信長襲撃の意図を全軍に明らかにしたとあるが、実際には、ごく一部の重臣しか知らなかったとの見解が有力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Few of the Japanese communities, that is Japanese towns, built before the war were preserved except in several places on the West Coast and most of them disappeared, because many of their former residents had to get rid of their real estate and property before they were interned, and even after returning at the end of the war, they found other people had already moved in, preventing them from reviving the aforementioned towns.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

戦前に築いた日系コミュニティー、つまり日本町が、西海岸の数箇所でしか保存できなかったり、多くが消滅してしまったのは、構成していた不動産や財産を彼らが強制収容所に送られる前に手放さざるを得なかったり、戦後戻ってきても、既に他の民族が住み着いていたりした為、日本町の再興が出来なかった事も関係している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The brothers of Man NOMURA (his real name is Taro) and Mansaku NOMURA (his real name is Jiro) are sons of Manzo ()NOMURA, or Manzo NOMURA, the sixth (his former names were Manzo and Mansaku万作); after the sixth's death, they decided to divide their family name, that is, Man, the older brother, would succeed to a professional name of Manzo NOMURA, the seventh, and Mansaku, the younger brother, would inherit Mansai, the name after retirement of Manzo, the fifth (the father of Manzo, the sixth).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

野村萬(本名:太良)と野村万作(本名:二朗)の兄弟は、野村万蔵六世野村万蔵(万造万作)の息子だが、六世の死後、名跡を分配することになり、兄・萬が野村万蔵(7世)を襲名し、弟・万作は五世万造(六世万蔵の父)の隠居名・萬斎を相続することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Several main daimyo (Japanese feudal lords) who were concerned with that, such as Nariakira SHIMAZU, Yoshinaga MATSUDAIRA, and Nariaki TOKUGAWA, considered that they should put up a shogun who could deal with crises and attempted to back up Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI, a real son of Nariaki, as shogun, with a support of roju Masahiro ABE.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これを憂慮した島津斉彬・松平慶永・徳川斉昭ら有力な大名は大事に対応できる将軍を擁立すべきであると考えて斉昭の実子である一橋慶喜擁立に動き、老中阿部正弘もこれに加担した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A slot machine 100 includes a plurality of performance modes and real-time simultaneous progress performance (continuous performance developed across a plurality of games) in which respective performances in a plurality of performances look as if they were simultaneously progressing.例文帳に追加

スロットマシン100は、複数の演出モードを備え、複数の演出モードにおける演出それぞれが同時に進行していくように見せるリアルタイム同時進行演出(複数のゲームに亘って展開される連続演出)を実行する。 - 特許庁

If either a public officer or any one else saw a person attempting to cross a bridge which had been ascertained to be unsafe, and there were no time to warn him of his danger, they might seize him and turn him back, without any real infringement of his liberty;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

官吏であれだれであれ、もし不安全だということがはっきりしている橋を渡ろうとしている人を見かけて、しかも危険を警告する余裕がなければ、その人を捕まえて引き戻しとしても、その人の自由を本当の意味で侵害したわけではありません。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

In many cases, those old people tend to be seen with jealousy and envy by generations who could not see those great actors in person because they insist 'their performance was the real Kabuki (but they are dead and it is impossible now to see 'the real Kabuki'), based on the secret sense of superiority that they were able to see the past great actors' performance in person but the younger generations cannot.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

多くの場合、自分は過去の名優の舞台を実見することができたが、それより若い世代は彼らを見ることができない、というひそかな優越感をもとにして、「彼らの舞台こそがほんとうの歌舞伎である(しかしながら彼らはもはや死に、今となっては「ほんとうの歌舞伎」というものを見ることは不可能である)」といった主張をするために、実際にそれらの名優を見られなかった世代からは一種の嫉妬と羨望を抱かれやすい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Given the tumultuous history of the disturbances in the Jijo and Juei eras, the Kamakura bakufu--made up primarily of samurais from the eastern provinces, having its stronghold in Kamakura, and having Minamoto no Yoritomo as its leader--exerted control over assignments of provincial governors and estate stewards in several provinces, mainly in the east, and held the power to police those domains; in the west, however, they had no real control, whereas the Imperial Court's power in the West remained considerable, and thus the shogunate and the Court were stuck as joint rulers of Japan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

治承・寿永の乱の過程で、鎌倉を本拠に源頼朝を棟梁として東国武士を中心に樹立された鎌倉幕府では、東国を中心に諸国に守護、地頭を設置し、警察権を掌握していたが、西国は支配しきっておらず依然として朝廷の力は強く、幕府と朝廷の二頭政治の状態にあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Looking at the United States and the United Kingdom as examples of countries which chose this direction, their economic performance (e.g., real GDP growth rates and unemployment rates) slumped in the initial years of reform, and it was a decade later that they were finally able to reap the benefits of reform. In recent years, however, these achievements have set the stage for proceeding to a new stage of development as convergence club members (Fig.1.1.4).例文帳に追加

こうした対応策を講じてきた米国やイギリスの例を見ると、改革が始まってから最初の数年間は経済パフォーマンス(例えば、実質GDP成長率、失業率)が一時的に悪化し、かつ、改革の利益を享受できるようになるまでに10年程度の時間を要したものの、近年ではその成果により、引き続き「収束クラブ」のメンバーとして新たな発展段階に進みつつある(第1―1―4図)。 - 経済産業省

Next, data on finance companies indicates that they were serving a complementary role to the financing of commercial banks to the manufacturing sector before the Asian crisis. Nevertheless due to relatively relaxed screenings compared to banks overall and pronounced financing to the construction and real estate industry among other reasons, there were many non-performing loans after the crisis. In addition, the balance of total financing declined significantly from 1.4882 trillion baht in 1996 to 147.3 billion baht in 2000, and the loan balance for the manufacturing sector declined from 228.5 billion baht in 1996 to a mere 16.8 billion baht in 2004.例文帳に追加

次にファイナンス・カンパニーのデータを見ると、アジア危機以前には、製造業に対し、商業銀行の融資を補完する役割を果たしていたが、全体的に審査が銀行よりも緩かったこと、建設不動産業に対する融資構成比率が突出していたこと等から、危機後、不良債権も多く、総融資残高は、1996年の1兆4,882億バーツから2000年には1,473億バーツに激減し、製造業向けの融資残高は1996年には2,285億バーツあったものが2004年にはわずか168億バーツまで減少した。 - 経済産業省

However, where customers ask a specific company to send them certain information or materials concerning real estate or secondhand cars by entering their personal information based on their search results, or where customers purchase products by entering their personal information after searching for them on a website, or where customers utilize the information retrieval site after logging into it by entering their IDs and passwords, which have links to the acquired personal information when they were registered as members, it is technically possible to check out the user's personal information against their history of search conditions or search words or contents browsing history.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、例えば、不動産物件情報の検索や中古車情報の検索結果などに基づき、個人情報を入力して特定の会社に資料請求を行う場合、商品検索後に個人情報を入力して商品を購入する場合、会員登録による個人情報と結びついたID及びパスワードを入力してログインした後に検索サイトを利用する場合などは、検索条件、検索ワードの履歴やコンテンツの閲覧履歴等と個人情報を照合して利用することも技術的には可能である。 - 経済産業省


In that sense, banks would indeed be more stable if they have more capital, but on the other hand, too much capital and hasty capital enhancements would lead to a credit crunch. This has been discussed repeatedly in the past at meetings of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision. I stated at a press conference that FSA Commissioner Katsunori Mikuniya and the Governor of the Bank of Japan had participated in the meetings of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision in July and September 2010, where they served as a consensus builder. Japan’s position is relatively close to France and Germany. The US and the UK were interested in Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs), so an agreement was reached on SIFIs separately. As Japan played a leading role in some areas based on its bitter experience of financial crisis, we believe the targets under the Basel Accord can be fulfilled within the scope of management efforts in the real economy.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そういった意味で、銀行の資本というのは大きければ大きいほど、確かに安定するわけでございますが、(資本が)大き過ぎると、増強を急ぎ、今度は貸し渋りになります。そういった点は、中央銀行総裁・銀行監督当局による会議で過去何度も、やってまいりまして、本年7月、9月にも金融庁から三國谷長官、それから日本銀行から総裁が行かれまして、まとめたという話は記者会見で申し上げました。そういった意味で、我が国にとってかなりこの話は、日本、フランスとドイツがそういうことに比較的近くて、アメリカとイギリスはSIFIsについて興味を持っているということで、これもまた別に合意しました。そういった意味で、我々は、実態経済はかなりバーゼルの合意については、日本がそういった苦しい金融危機の経験を踏まえてリードした部分もございますから、これは経営努力の範囲内で達成できる可能性があるというふうに、我々は思っております。 - 金融庁



「they were real.」に近いキーワードやフレーズ


「they were real.」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






they /ðeɪ/
彼らは, あれらは, それらは
were /wɪɚ/
be の直説法 2 人称単数過去形, 複数過去形, または仮定法単数および複数の過去形
th /θ/
3 以外の数で終わる基数に対する序数を造る
エー; エイ
L. /él/
英語アルファベットの第 12 字


  • キーワードに誤字・脱字がないか確かめて下さい。
  • 違うキーワードを使ってみてください。
  • より一般的な言葉を使ってみてください。



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