



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Weblio例文辞書 > two weeks is or areの意味・解説 

two weeks is or areとは 意味・読み方・使い方





Weblio例文辞書での「two weeks is or are」に類似した例文

two weeks is or are


a fortnight


In about two weeks.




The first time in two weeks.




a whole week


Two weeks went by.


Twice per week


The second week.


2 weeks call off


Please come again two weeks from today.






Two months have already passed.


It is required two weeks earlier.


Two months.






It's held over a two-day period.


Terms, two pounds a week.


Let's meet two weeks from now.


The tour will take fully two weeks.


Only two weeks have passed since that day.




I have this day fortnight.


「two weeks is or are」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 18


(2) In case the designated training agency is to change its name, address or location of the office where the practical training affairs are conducted, it shall notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of the fact no later than two weeks prior to the date on which it is to make such change.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 指定修習機関は、その名称若しくは住所又は実務修習事務を行う事務所の所在地を変更しようとするときは、変更しようとする日の二週間前までに、その旨を経済産業大臣に届け出なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Broadcast programs, within the past sixty minutes or two weeks from the present time, are recorded in a hard disk being a random access memory, and if a reviewing request is received during recording operation, recording and reproduction is performed alternately to perform reproduction, while performing recording.例文帳に追加

現在日時から過去60分以内あるいは2週間以内の放送番組はランダムアクセスメモリであるハードディスクに記録し、記録動作中に閲覧要求があるときは、記録と再生を交互に行って、記録をしつつ再生をする。 - 特許庁

(2) When a designated examining body intends to change its name, the location of its principal office or the location of its office where the hazardous materials engineer's qualification examination affairs are handled, it shall notify the entrusting prefectural governor (in the case of the location of the office where the hazardous materials engineer's qualification examination affairs are handled, the relevant entrusting prefectural governor) no later than two weeks prior to the day on which the change is scheduled.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 指定試験機関は、その名称、主たる事務所の所在地又は危険物取扱者試験事務を取り扱う事務所の所在地を変更しようとするときは、委任都道府県知事(危険物取扱者試験事務を取り扱う事務所の所在地については、関係委任都道府県知事)に、変更しようとする日の二週間前までに、その旨を届け出なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) If a Stock Company prescribes the day under Article 107(2)(iii)(b), the Stock Company shall notify the shareholders of the Shares subject to Call (or, in cases where there is a provision with respect to the matters listed in item (iii)(c) of that paragraph, the shareholders of Shares subject to Call who are determined under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following article) and the Registered Pledgees of Shares thereof of such date no later than two weeks prior to such day.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 第百七条第二項第三号ロの日を定めたときは、株式会社は、取得条項付株式の株主(同号ハに掲げる事項についての定めがある場合にあっては、次条第一項の規定により決定した取得条項付株式の株主)及びその登録株式質権者に対し、当該日の二週間前までに、当該日を通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 68 (1) In order to call an Organizational Meeting, incorporators shall dispatch notice thereof to the Shareholders at Incorporation no later than two weeks (or one week if the Stock Company to be incorporated is not a Public Company, except in cases where the matters listed in item (iii) or item (iv) of paragraph (1) of the preceding article are decided, (or if a shorter period of time is provided for in the articles of incorporation in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Stock Company other than a Company with Board of Directors, such shorter period of time)) prior to the day of the Organizational Meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十八条 創立総会を招集するには、発起人は、創立総会の日の二週間(前条第一項第三号又は第四号に掲げる事項を定めたときを除き、設立しようとする株式会社が公開会社でない場合にあっては、一週間(当該設立しようとする株式会社が取締役会設置会社以外の株式会社である場合において、これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間))前までに、設立時株主に対してその通知を発しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 299 (1) In order to call the shareholders meeting, the directors shall dispatch the notice thereof to the shareholders no later than two weeks (or one week if the Stock Company is not a Public Company, except in cases where the matters listed in item (iii) or (iv) of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article are decided, (or if a shorter period of time is provided for in the articles of incorporation in cases where the Stock Company is a Stock Company other than the Company with Board of Directors, such shorter period of time)) prior to the day of the shareholders meeting.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二百九十九条 株主総会を招集するには、取締役は、株主総会の日の二週間(前条第一項第三号又は第四号に掲げる事項を定めたときを除き、公開会社でない株式会社にあっては、一週間(当該株式会社が取締役会設置会社以外の株式会社である場合において、これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間))前までに、株主に対してその通知を発しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In accordance with the provision in Article 63 of the Law, the MHLW shall list the namesand addresses of importers who have violated the Law or any actions taken under the Law, aswell as the names of the violating imported foods, for the purpose of disclosing information tothe public regarding any potential harm from the viewpoint of food sanitation. (In principle, thelist includes importers who are subject to administrative actions in writing due to the violation.However, if the violation is not very serious and if the importer remedies it immediately, suchimporters are excluded from the list.)The list is published on the MHLW website, which isupdated every one or two weeks.例文帳に追加

本省は、食品衛生上の危害の状況を明らかにするため、法第63条の規定に基づき、法又は法に基づく処分に違反した輸入者(原則として、当該違反により書面による行政指導の対象となる輸入者を含むが、違反が軽微であって、かつ、当該違反について直ちに改善が図られた輸入者は除く。)の名称・所在地、対象輸入食品等の違反情報について、ホームページに1~2週間ごとを目安に更新した情報を掲載し、公表する。 - 厚生労働省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「two weeks is or are」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 18


(2) A Mutual Company shall keep the copies of its Financial Statements, etc. for each business year at its secondary offices for a period of three years from the day which is two weeks before the date of the annual general meeting of members (or, in the case of Article 319, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 41, paragraph (1), the date of the proposal set forth in that paragraph); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the Financial Statements, etc. are prepared in the form of electromagnetic record, if the Mutual Company adopts the measures specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in order to enable its secondary offices to meet the requests listed in items (iii) and (iv) of the following paragraph.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 相互会社は、各事業年度に係る計算書類等の写しを、定時社員総会の日の二週間前の日(第四十一条第一項において準用する会社法第三百十九条第一項の場合にあっては、同項の提案があった日)から三年間、その従たる事務所に備え置かなければならない。ただし、計算書類等が電磁的記録で作成されている場合であって、従たる事務所における次項第三号及び第四号に掲げる請求に応じることを可能とするための措置として内閣府令で定めるものをとっているときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) When the permissions prescribed in paragraph (1) to paragraph (4) inclusive (hereinafter referred to as "Replacement Permissions" in this Article and the following Article) have been obtained, it shall be deemed that a resolution of the Shareholders Meeting, etc., class meeting, or board of directors has been made concerning matters pertaining to said Replacement Permissions. With regard to the application of the provisions in Article 16, paragraph (1), Article 136-2, paragraph (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-29), and Article 250, paragraphs (3) and (5) in this case, the term "two weeks before the date of the Shareholders Meeting pertaining to the resolution on the reduction (excluding the cases where the whole of the amount by which the reserves are reduced is appropriated to the capital) of the capital or reserves (hereinafter referred to as "capital, etc." in this Section) (or, the date of the board of directors meeting where Article 447, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Capital) or Article 448, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Reserves) of the Companies Act applies)" in Article 60, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a date within two weeks from the date of receipt of the permission set forth in Article 249-2, paragraph (1) pertaining to the reduction (excluding the cases where the whole of the amount by which the reserves are reduced is appropriated to the capital) of the capital or reserves," the term "two weeks before the date of the Shareholders Meeting, etc. set forth in Article 136, paragraph (1) in the preceding Article" in Article 136-2 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a date within two weeks from the date of receipt of the permission set forth in Article 249-2, paragraph (1) or (2) pertaining to the transfer of insurance contracts," and the terms "the public notice set forth in the following paragraph" in Article 250, paragraph (3) and "the public notice set forth in the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (5) in that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the public notice set forth in Article 249-2, paragraph (8)"; and the provisions of Article 156-2 and Article 250, paragraph (4) shall not apply.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

6 第一項から第四項までに規定する許可(以下この条及び次条において「代替許可」という。)があったときは、当該代替許可に係る事項について株主総会等、種類株主総会又は取締役会の決議があったものとみなす。この場合における第十六条第一項、第百三十六条の二第一項(第二百七十二条の二十九において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)並びに第二百五十条第三項及び第五項の規定の適用については、第十六条第一項中「資本金又は準備金(以下この節において「資本金等」という。)の額の減少(減少する準備金の額の全部を資本金とする場合を除く。)の決議に係る株主総会(会社法第四百四十七条第三項(資本金の額の減少)又は第四百四十八条第三項(準備金の額の減少)に規定する場合にあっては、取締役会)の会日の二週間前」とあるのは「資本金又は準備金の額の減少(減少する準備金の額の全部を資本金とする場合を除く。)に係る第二百四十九条の二第一項の許可のあった日以後二週間以内の日」と、第百三十六条の二第一項中「前条第一項の株主総会等の会日の二週間前」とあるのは「保険契約の移転に係る第二百四十九条の二第一項又は第二項の許可のあった日以後二週間以内の日」と、第二百五十条第三項中「次項の公告」とあり、及び同条第五項中「前項の公告」とあるのは「第二百四十九条の二第八項の公告」とし、第百五十六条の二及び第二百五十条第四項の規定は、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Sec.191 Registration and Deposit with National Library and the Supreme Court Library After the first public dissemination of performance by authority of the copyright owner of a work falling under Subsections 172.1, 172.2 and 173 of this Act, there shall, for the purpose of completing the records of the National Library and the Supreme Court Library, within three weeks, be registered and deposited with it, by personal delivery or by registered mail, two complete copies or reproductions of the work in such form as the directors of said libraries may prescribe. A certificate of deposit shall be issued for which the prescribed fee shall be collected and the copyright owner shall be exempt from making additional deposit of the works with the National Library and the Supreme Court Library under other laws. If, within three weeks after receipt by the copyright owner of a written demand from the directors for such deposit, the required copies or reproductions are not delivered and the fee is not paid, the copyright owner shall be liable to pay a fine equivalent to the required fee per month of delay and to pay to the National Library and the Supreme Court Library the amount of the retail price of the best edition of the work. Only the above mentioned classes of work shall be accepted for deposit by the National Library and the Supreme Court Library.例文帳に追加

第191条 国立図書館及び最高裁判所図書館での登録及び寄託 国立図書館及び最高裁判所図書館の記録を完全なものにするため,172.1,172.2及び第173条の規定に該当する著作物の著作権者の承認による実演の最初の公の場での実施の後3週間以内に,持参によるか書留郵便により,それらの図書館の館長が定める形式で当該著作物の完全な複製物2個を提出することにより,登録し,かつ,寄託するものとする。所定の手数料の納付により寄託証が発行され,著作権者は,他の法律に規定する国立図書館及び最高裁判所図書館への追加の著作物の寄託を免除される。著作権者が館長から寄託を求める書面を受け取った後3週間以内に求められた複製物を提出せず,また,手数料も納付しなかった場合は,著作権者は,遅延した月ごとに必要な手数料に等しい罰金を納付するとともに,国立図書館及び最高裁判所図書館に当該著作物の最良の版の小売値の額に等しい額を納付する義務がある。以上に言及した著作物のみが,国立図書館及び最高裁判所図書館により寄託を容認される。 - 特許庁

Article 16 (1) A Stock Company shall keep at each of its business offices a document or electromagnetic record that describes or records any proposal regarding the reduction (excluding the cases where the whole of the amount by which the Reserves are reduced is appropriated to the capital) of the capital or Reserves (hereinafter referred to as "capital, etc." in this Section) as well as any other matter specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, for a period ranging from two weeks before the date of the shareholders meeting pertaining to the resolution on the reduction (or, the date of the board of directors meeting where Article 447, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Capital) or Article 448, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Reserves) of the Companies Act Applies) to six months from the Effective Date of the reduction of the capital, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where only the amount of the Reserves is reduced and all of the following are met:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十六条 株式会社は、資本金又は準備金(以下この節において「資本金等」という。)の額の減少(減少する準備金の額の全部を資本金とする場合を除く。)の決議に係る株主総会(会社法第四百四十七条第三項(資本金の額の減少)又は第四百四十八条第三項(準備金の額の減少)に規定する場合にあっては、取締役会)の会日の二週間前から資本金等の額の減少の効力を生じた日後六月を経過する日まで、資本金等の額の減少に関する議案その他の内閣府令で定める事項を記載し、又は記録した書類又は電磁的記録を各営業所に備え置かなければならない。ただし、準備金の額のみを減少する場合であって、次のいずれにも該当するときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) The provisions of Article 16, paragraph (1) (excluding the proviso thereto) and (2), Article 17 (excluding the proviso to paragraph (1)), Article 17-2, paragraph (4), and Article 17-4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a reduction of the reserve for redemption of funds under paragraph (1). In this case, the term "reduction of the capital, etc." in those provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "reduction of the reserve for redemption of funds"; the terms "A Stock Company" and "ranging from two weeks before the date of the shareholders meeting pertaining to the resolution on the reduction of the capital, etc. (or, the date of the board of directors meeting where Article 447, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Capital) or Article 448, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Reserves) of the Companies Act Applies) to six months from the Effective Date of the reduction of the capital, etc." in Article 16, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "In the case of Article 57, paragraph (1), a Mutual Company" and "ranging from two weeks before the date of the General Meeting of members (or General Meeting, where the company has such meeting) pertaining to the resolution under that paragraph to six months from the date of the reduction of the reserve for redemption of funds" respectively; the term "Where a Stock Company reduces the amount of its capital, etc. (excluding the cases where the whole of the amount by which the Reserves are reduced is appropriated to the capital)" in Article 17, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "In the case of Article 57, paragraph (1)"; and the term "Article 447, paragraph (1) (Reductions in amount of the Capital) or Article 448, paragraph (1) (Reductions in amount of Reserves) of the Companies Act" in Article 17, paragraph (6) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 57, paragraph (1)"; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 第十六条第一項(ただし書を除く。)及び第二項、第十七条(第一項ただし書を除く。)、第十七条の二第四項並びに第十七条の四の規定は、第一項の基金償却積立金の取崩しについて準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「資本金等の額の減少」とあるのは「基金償却積立金の取崩し」と、第十六条第一項中「株式会社は、資本金又は準備金(以下この節において「資本金等」という。)の額の減少(減少する準備金の額の全部を資本金とする場合を除く。)の決議に係る株主総会(会社法第四百四十七条第三項(資本金の額の減少)又は第四百四十八条第三項(準備金の額の減少)に規定する場合にあっては、取締役会)の会日の二週間前から資本金等の額の減少の効力を生じた日後六月を経過する日まで」とあるのは「第五十七条第一項の場合には、相互会社は、同項の決議に係る社員総会(総代会を設けているときは、総代会)の会日の二週間前から基金償却積立金の取崩しをした日後六月を経過する日まで」と、第十七条第一項中「株式会社が資本金等の額を減少する場合(減少する準備金の額の全部を資本金とする場合を除く。)」とあるのは「第五十七条第一項の場合」と、同条第六項中「会社法第四百四十七条第一項(資本金の額の減少)又は第四百四十八条第一項(準備金の額の減少)」とあるのは「第五十七条第一項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 198 (1) In order to participate in the procedure for a final distribution with regard to a denied/disputed bankruptcy claim (excluding those prescribed in Article 129(1)), the bankruptcy creditor who holds said denied/disputed bankruptcy claim, within two weeks from the day on which the public notice made under the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article becomes effective or the day on which the notification is made under the provision of paragraph (3) of said Article, shall prove to a bankruptcy trustee the fact that with respect to the determination of the denied/disputed bankruptcy claim, the proceedings for assessment based on a petition for bankruptcy claim assessment or court proceedings of an action to oppose bankruptcy claim assessment or court proceedings of an action taken over under the provision of Article 127(1) are pending.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百九十八条 異議等のある破産債権(第百二十九条第一項に規定するものを除く。)について最後配当の手続に参加するには、当該異議等のある破産債権を有する破産債権者が、前条第一項の規定による公告が効力を生じた日又は同条第三項の規定による届出があった日から起算して二週間以内に、破産管財人に対し、当該異議等のある破産債権の確定に関する破産債権査定申立てに係る査定の手続、破産債権査定異議の訴えに係る訴訟手続又は第百二十七条第一項の規定による受継があった訴訟手続が係属していることを証明しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 55 (1) In calling a general meeting of members of a Type 1 Specific Purpose Company or a general meeting of members of a Type 2 Specific Purpose Company for which a Matter to Be Voted Upon by Specified Equity Members Alone has been made the subject, the directors shall send a notice to each of the Specified Equity Members (excluding Specified Equity Members who may not exercise their voting rights on all of the matters on which a resolution may be effected at the general meeting of members; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) by two weeks prior (in cases other than those where the matters listed in Article 54(1)(iii) or (iv) are prescribed, one week prior (if a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a period)) to the day of the general meeting of members.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第五十五条 第一種特定目的会社の社員総会又は第二種特定目的会社の無議決権事項のみを会議の目的とする社員総会を招集するには、取締役は、社員総会の日の二週間(前条第一項第三号又は第四号に掲げる事項を定めた場合以外の場合にあっては、一週間(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間))前までに、各特定社員(社員総会において決議をすることができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない特定社員を除く。以下この条において同じ。)に対してその通知を発しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As I said when I met with representatives of financial institutions the day before yesterday, I received a great number of various opinions after I suggested in a television program about two weeks ago - I made this suggestion because I heard that there were numerous complaints about curbs on loans - that opinions about curbs on loans be sent to me directly. I have to examine each and every one of them myself. However, as this is not a problem that does not concern only me, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) has set up a contact point through which opinions and complaints are accepted either via postal mail, e-mail or telephone. Details will be announced later by FSA staff.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

私の方からは、一昨日の各金融機関の代表の方に集まっていただいた時に申し上げましたが、私が2週間程前にテレビに出た時に、貸し渋り等の苦情が非常に多いということだったもんですから、個人的に是非直接私にご意見を届けていただきたいと申し上げたら、大量のものが、色々なものが参りまして、これは一々私が全てを見なければいけないんですけれども、私だけで済まされる問題ではないだろうということで、金融庁の方に、貸し渋り・貸しはがし目安箱というのはちょっと言い過ぎなんで、金融庁大臣目安箱みたいなものを設置をいたしました。これは手紙でも、あるいはメールその他でも、電話でも結構だということで、細かい点につきましては後で、もう既にスタートしているもの、また今日スタートするものがございますので、具体的には後で事務方から発表させていただきたいと思います。 - 金融庁


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