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worked metallic memberとは 意味・読み方・使い方
「worked metallic member」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 7件
In the metallic member to be worked, the progressing rate of the fineness is different between the case when the member passes through the small diameter part 13 and the case when the member passes through the other part and so, the metallic member having the hardness and the prescribed toughness can be obtained.例文帳に追加
加工対象の金属部材は、小径部13を通過している際とそれ以外の部位を通過している際とにおいて、微細化の進行具合いが異なり、所定の靭性も兼ね備えた金属部材が得られる。 - 特許庁
To prevent a crack from being caused in the part to be worked when the plasticity working accompanied with the elongation like a burring process is applied to a metallic shell or other metallic plate member of a miniature disk cartridge.例文帳に追加
小型ディスクカートリッジの金属シェルまたはその他の金属板部材に対し、バーリング加工のような延伸を伴う塑性加工を施す場合に、被加工部に亀裂が発生するのを防止する。 - 特許庁
An image means 11 photographs an inspection surface including the deformed layer of a worked surface 201 of a metallic worked member 20, for instance, a grain boundary microscope image of a surface 202, the image signal of the imaging means 11 is subjected to AD conversion, and an image vectorizing means 14 converts the image signal subjected to AD conversion into a vector image.例文帳に追加
金属加工品20の加工面201の加工変質層を含む検査面、例えば、202面の粒界顕微鏡像を、撮像手段11により撮影し、撮像手段11の画像信号をAD変換し、AD変換された画像信号を画像のクトル化手段14により、ベクトル画像に変換する。 - 特許庁
Concretely, for the structural material with a large cross section to be worked with a jointing metallic member for jointing at the end part 4, the end part 4 is made by laminating the laminar made of high strength tree species and the middle part 5 is mainly made up of the laminar of low strength wood tree species.例文帳に追加
具体的には、端部4に接合金物の取付部が加工されるような大断面構造材について、端部4は高強度樹種のラミナを積層し、中間部5は低強度樹種のラミナを主体に構成する。 - 特許庁
To form a fiber reinforced metallic member of a multilayer structure in which a working layer relatively easy to be worked and a rigid layer high in rigidity and strength are laminated by impregnating a preform of a multilayer in which the characteristics of reinforcing fibers are different with matrix metal and to provide a fiber reinforced metallic member in which the part having high workability and the part having high rigidity are integrally formed.例文帳に追加
比較的加工し易い加工層と剛性が高く強度の大きい剛性層とを積層した多層構造の繊維強化金属製部材を、強化繊維の特性が異なる多層のプリフォームにマトリックス金属を含浸させることにより形成し、高加工性の部分と高剛性の部分を一体成形した繊維強化金属製部材を提供する。 - 特許庁
Though the dimensional accuracy of the belt inside supporting member 512 is important for obtaining a stable nip, the extruded material or the drawn material of the metallic material unnecessitates finish working for obtaining the dimensional accuracy or a part to be finish-worked is reduced even if the finish working is necessitated.例文帳に追加
安定したニップを得るためには、ベルト内側支持部材512の寸法精度が重要であるが、金属材料の押出材、または引抜材は、寸法精度を出すための仕上げ加工が不要、または仕上げ加工があったとしても加工部分は少なくて済む。 - 特許庁
By this manufacturing method of the annular member, the springback is reduced by lowering the yield stress of a material when the metallic sheet is worked into the annular shape by the inverse bending stage and the annular member whose shape accuracy is improved is manufactured by reducing the spread caused by the springback in the butt part.例文帳に追加
本発明の円環状部材の製造方法は、逆曲げ工程により金属板を円環状に曲げ加工するときの材料の降伏応力を低下させることでスプリングバックを減少させ、スプリングバックによる突き合わせ部分の広がりが低減することで形状精度が向上した円環状部材を製造することができる。 - 特許庁
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