英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


Track/Hold (トラック/ホールド)...
音節h. H.略語harbor; height; high; hour...
接中辞-h-(まれに) Emphasises obscenities.‎fuck! + ‎-h- → ‎fuhuck!‎damn! + ‎-...
語源Transliteration of Hebrew ע״ה‎ (字義どおりに “A.H.”) the Hebrew language acronym for עליו השלום...
名詞H'splural of H使用する際の注意点There is some difference of opinion regarding the use of apostrophes in the...
名詞H. S. (複数形 not attested)Acronym of high school.アナグラムS&H, SH, sh...
語源A representation of ASCII character 0x08, which is backspace.略号^H(Internet slang, usu...
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