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CTAG:Counter-Terrorism Action Group...
Counter Terrorism Commandロンドン警視庁テロ対策指令部(ロンドンけいしちょうテロたいさくしれいぶ、英語: Counter Terrorism Command)は、ロンドン警視庁...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2009/05/11 00:09 UTC 版) 語源counter- +‎ terror 名詞counterterror (uncountable)Counter-t...
省庁名英訳日本名警察庁Counter International Terrorism Division国際テロリズム対策課...
省庁名日本名英訳警察庁国際テロリズム対策課Counter International Terrorism Division...
固有名詞SO15A specialist operations section of the Metropolitan Police Service responsible for counter-t...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/12/05 09:39 UTC 版) 名詞counterterrorism (uncountable)Alternative spelling of cou...
語源anti- +‎ terrorism名詞antiterrorism (uncountable)(law enforcement, military, often ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/24 07:01 UTC 版)The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) is no...
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