英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


line printers; LPT; line printer; lpt...
対訳 LPT デバイス解説A device that uses a parallel connection....
発音IPA(key): /ɡʌlpt/韻: -ʌlpt動詞gulpedsimple past tense and past participle of gulp...
発音IPA(key): /jɛlpt/韻: -ɛlpt動詞yelpedsimple past tense and past participle of yelpアナグラムPedley, dee...
low pressure turbine,low pressure turbine (L.P.TURB.),LPT[low pressure turbine]...
low pressure turbine,low pressure turbine (L.P.TURB.),LPT[low pressure turbine]...
mouse遺伝子名Lpt1同義語(エイリアス)liver protein 1; Lpt-1SWISS-PROTのID---EntrezGeneのIDEntrezGene:104056その他のDBのID...
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