英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


【日本史】 a retired emperor with a Buddhist namea monk‐emperorthe ex‐emperor....
読み方:だじょうほうおう、だいじょうほうおう文法情報(名詞)(尊敬語)対訳 cloistered emperor; ex-emperor who has become a monk...
読み方:だじょうほうおう、だいじょうほうおう文法情報(名詞)(尊敬語)対訳 cloistered emperor; ex-emperor who has become a monk...
読み方:だじょうほうおう、だいじょうほうおう文法情報(名詞)(尊敬語)対訳 cloistered emperor; ex-emperor who has become a monk...
読み方:あんけつどう暗穴道 とも書く文法情報(名詞)対訳 road taken by a Chinese ajari buddhist monk when he incurred the wrath ...
読み方:あんけつどう暗穴道 とも書く文法情報(名詞)対訳 road taken by a Chinese ajari buddhist monk when he incurred the wrath ...
読み方:あんけつどう暗穴道 とも書く文法情報(名詞)対訳 road taken by a Chinese ajari buddhist monk when he incurred the wrath ...
読み方意味・英語表記後白河法皇ごしらかわほうおう(個人名) Goshirakawahouou (1127.10.18-1192.4.26) (ex-emperor, later monk)...
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