英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


対訳 CPA解説An organization that specifies payment formats for Canada....
対訳 撮影日時解説A button that specifies the date the picture was taken....
対訳 Web プロジェクト解説A collection of files that specifies elements of a Web application....
対訳 コントロール ハンドル解説A handle that specifies unique behavior for certain shapes....
対訳 出荷単位解説A measurement that specifies in what quantity a product will be sold....
Where Rehabilitation Plan Specifies Clauses on Solicitation of Subscribers for Shares for Subscripti...
対訳 リソース カレンダー解説A calendar that specifies working and nonworking time for an individual resource. A r...
対訳 Canadian Payment Association解説An organization that specifies payment formats for Canada....
対訳 EKU解説An extended property value that specifies the uses for which a certificate is valid....
対訳 品目番号解説The display name of an attribute that specifies the position of an item in the list of cont...
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