英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


訳語 Dust accumulates in the gap between furniture and the wall...
名詞detritusphere (複数形 detrituspheres)The area of the sea in which detritus accumulates...
名詞cardiac tamponade (複数形 cardiac tamponades)a condition in which fluid accumulates in the pericardiu...
語源dihydroxy +‎ adenine名詞dihydroxyadenine (uncountable)An adenine derivative that accumulates in a fo...
名詞ferritinopathy (複数形 ferritinopathies)(pathology) A disorder in which iron accumulates in the brain...
名詞lineactant (複数形 lineactants)A form of surfactant that accumulates at the two-dimensional boundarie...
語源nephro- +‎ -tropic形容詞nephrotropic (not comparable)That has an affinity for, and thus accumul...
【名詞】1鉄分が組織に蓄積する病理(pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues)...
【名詞】1鉄分が組織に蓄積する病理(pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues)...
【名詞】1鉄分が組織に蓄積する病理(pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues)...
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