英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


形容詞assonantic (comparative more assonantic, superlative most assonantic)assonant...
形容詞assonantal (comparative more assonantal, superlative most assonantal)assonant参照“assonantal”, in&#...
語源assonant +‎ -ly副詞assonantly (comparative more assonantly, superlative most assonantly)In an ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/07/29 12:52 UTC 版)The Romance of Abenámar is a medieval Spanish romance, writte...
語源a- +‎ sonant発音enPR: ā-sōnʹənt, IPA(key): /eɪ̯ˈsoʊ̯n.ənt/韻: -əʊnənt形容詞asonant (not compar...
【形容詞】1連続した語または強調された音節において異なる子音で同じ母音を持つ(having the same vowel sound occurring with different consonan...
別の表記stave rhymestaff-rhyme, staff rhyme語源Most likely a calque of a Germanic term, such as German Sta...
別の表記adsonō語源From ad- (“to, towards”) +‎ sonō (“sound, resound”).発音(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈ...
別の表記softly, softly caught the monkey, softly, softly catch a monkey語源Origin uncertain. Commentators ...
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