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「breech loading」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/60件中)

a breech‐loading guna breechloader....
a breech‐loading guna breechloader....
読み方 もとごめ形容詞相当語句Breech-loading用例元込め銃a breech-loading guna breech-loader...
読み方 もとごめ形容詞相当語句Breech-loading用例元込め銃a breech-loading guna breech-loader...
別の表記breech block語源breech +‎ block名詞breechblock (複数形 breechblocks)(firearms) The metal block th...
形容詞muzzle-loading (not comparable)Describing a gun in which the ammunition is loaded at the front of...
Breech-loading swivel gun明のフランキ砲(北京 首都博物館蔵)。
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