英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/01 18:35 UTC 版) 名詞cokeheadsPlural form of cokehead....
語源From coke +‎ -head.発音.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}名詞cokehead...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/09 22:14 UTC 版)User refers to a person who uses drugs either legally or ille...
語源 1From Middle English -hed, -hede, attested from the 12th century, continuing a hypothetical 古期英語 ...
Sense: person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug同意語addictabuserfiendslave    &#...
語源From the lavatory's use as a place to apply makeup.動詞powder one's nose (三人称単数 現在形 powders one's no...
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