英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/01 19:55 UTC 版) 名詞dairymaidsPlural form of dairymaid....
名詞deie (複数形 deies)Obsolete spelling of dey (a dairymaid)アナグラムEIDE, Edie, idée...
語源dairy +‎ -man名詞dairyman (複数形 dairymen)A man who works in a dairy.A man who delivers dairy pr...
語源From dairy +‎ -woman.名詞dairywoman (複数形 dairywomen)A woman who works in a dairy, or who deliv...
語源dairy +‎ maid名詞dairymaid (複数形 dairymaids)A woman who works in a dairy.1879, Richard Jefferies, The...
名詞gun carriage (複数形 gun carriages)A metal or wooden frame on which a piece of ordnance is mounted fo...
形容詞blowzy (comparative blowzier, superlative blowziest)Alternative spelling of blowsy1787, John Wolc...
形容詞very good (not comparable)Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: very good....
語源 1From Proto-Germanic *daigijǭ (“kneader”): cognate with Old Norse deigja (“female servant”).発...
語源From Danish +‎ -man.名詞Danishman (複数形 Danishmen)(rare) A native or inhabitant of Denmark.1862...
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