英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


dent; dint; indent; pit...
through [ by dint of] sheer effort...
語源dint +‎ -less形容詞dintless (not comparable)Without a dint....
manage thanks to [ live by dint of] careful housekeeping...
【名詞】くぼみ,へこみ用例He succeeded by dint of hard work....
cavity; dint; exedra; furrow; indent; pit; pocket; valley; void...
固有名詞NDTIInitialism of National Disease and Therapeutic Index.アナグラムdi'n't, dint, idn't, tind...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2009/09/26 14:24 UTC 版) 動詞dintingPresent participle of dint....
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