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名詞cluster F-bombsplural of cluster F-bomb...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/11/22 16:22 UTC 版) 名詞f-bombsPlural form of f-bomb....
別の表記S-bomb語源s (“abbreviation of shit”) +‎ bomb (“(euphemism marker)”)名詞s-bomb (複数形 s-bombs)(sl...
名詞cluster bomb (複数形 cluster bombs)An explosive munition designed to explode in the air and release a...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/18 14:28 UTC 版)The Dare County Bombing Range or "Navy Dare" is located in Da...
別の表記F-bomb語源f (“abbreviation of fuck”) +‎ bomb (“(euphemism marker)”)名詞f-bomb (複数形 f-bombs)(sl...
発音IPA(key): /ˌbiː.ɛfˈɛf/名詞BFF (複数形 BFFs)(text messaging, Internet slang) Initialism of best ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/03 17:42 UTC 版)Jet is a flight simulator originally published in 1985 by sub...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/15 08:15 UTC 版)The Thanh Hoa Bridge, spanning the Song Ma river, is situated...
語源Blend of cluster bomb +‎ F-bomb. Coined by the TV Tropes user SAMAS in 2007.[1]名詞clu...
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