英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


訳語 to lower one's fists...
名詞French fistsplural of French fist...
名詞clenched fistsplural of clenched fist...
名詞fisticuffery (uncountable)fisticuffs; fighting with the fists...
名詞raised fistsplural of raised fist...
clench [hold up] one's fists in triumph...
clench one's fists and grind one's teeth...
lash out [flail about] with one's fists...
【動詞】1拳で戦う(fight with the fists)【名詞】1素手で戦うこと(a fight with bare fists)...
【名詞】1こぶしで闘うこと(fighting with the fists)2素手で戦うこと(a fight with bare fists)...
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