英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


【名詞】1フォアマストのトップスル(the topsail on a foremast)...
固有名詞Frometasplural of Frometaアナグラムfore-mast, foremast, formates, mortsafe...
語源fore- +‎ boom名詞foreboom (複数形 forebooms)(nautical) The boom of the foremast....
語源fore- +‎ course?名詞forecourse (複数形 forecourses)(航海) The lowest foresail on a square-rigged foremast...
語源foremast +‎ -man名詞foremastman (複数形 foremastmen)Any sailor below the rank of petty officer....
名詞foretruck (複数形 foretrucks)(nautical) A truck on the foremast (from which the Blue Peter is hoisted...
読み方:へいすいふ文法情報(名詞)対訳 foremast hand; common sailor...
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