英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


frost proof thermostat...
語源frost +‎ -proof形容詞frostproof (comparative more frostproof, superlative most frostproof)Resis...
語源From the verb proof (“make resistant”), from the same Old French root as prove.接尾辞-proof接尾辞 added ...
語源From garden +‎ -ware.名詞gardenware (uncountable)A range of items that can be used in gardens,...
名詞frigoric (uncountable)A hypothetical fluid medium of cold, in analogy to caloric.1750 Thomas Short...
語源Named after English mathematician, logician and philosopher Bertrand Russel...
語源From French luxe, from Latin luxus. Cognate with English lock.発音(米国発音) IPA(key): /luks/, /lʌks...
発音IPA(key): /ɡeɪd͡ʒ/.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}韻: -eɪdʒHomopho...
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