英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


形容詞indigogenic (not comparable)That generates indigotin (または indigo)...
名詞calorifier (複数形 calorifiers)An apparatus that generates hot water...
名詞teenagersplural of teenagerアナグラムgenerates, green teas, renegates...
power plant that generates [has a generating capacity of] 250,000 kilowatts of electricity...
語源allo- +‎ responsive形容詞alloresponsive (not comparable)(immunology) That generates an alloresp...
語源anti- +‎ neuraminidase形容詞antineuraminidase (not comparable)(immunology) That generates an im...
語源back +‎ reacting形容詞backreacting (not comparable)That generates backreaction.動詞backreactingpr...
語源erythema +‎ -genic形容詞erythemogenic (not comparable)(pathology) That generates erythema等位語ery...
語源excito- +‎ repellent形容詞excitorepellent (not comparable)That generates a repulsive reaction関連...
語源membrano- +‎ -genic形容詞membranogenic (not comparable)That generates membranes.関連する語membranoge...
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