英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


動詞hushing uppresent participle of hush up...
語源un- +‎ hushing形容詞unhushing (not comparable)(poetic) Not hushing; continuing to make a sound....
動詞hushing one's mouthpresent participle of hush one's mouth...
語源hushing +‎ -ly副詞hushinglySo as to hush or quieten....
文法情報(名詞)(まれ)対訳 hush; hushing; suppressing...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2017/02/12 16:05 UTC 版)動詞hushingpresent participle of hush名詞hushing (複数形 hushings)T...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/01/04 17:24 UTC 版)動詞hushing his mouthpresent participle of hush one's mouth...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/06 18:21 UTC 版) 名詞hushingsPlural form of hushing. アナグラムshushing...
読み方:くさいものにふた臭い物にふた、臭いものにふた とも書く文法情報(表現)(慣用句)対訳 looking the other way; hushing up a problem...
読み方:くさいものにふた臭い物にふた、臭いものにふた とも書く文法情報(表現)(慣用句)対訳 looking the other way; hushing up a problem...
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