英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


副詞justliercomparative form of justly: more justly...
副詞justliestsuperlative form of justly: most justly...
【名詞】1返礼する行為(an act of requiting)2当然の懲罰(a justly deserved penalty)...
別の表記give credit where credit is due成句credit where credit's dueUsed to justly praise someone for thei...
読み方 ぜんせい名詞Good government; just rule用例善政を施すto govern a country well―rule justly...
読み方 ぜんせい名詞Good government; just rule用例善政を施すto govern a country well―rule justly...
名詞delection (uncountable)A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction.1940, Arts and Architecture -...
読み方 こうはく名詞1(=厚さ)Thickness2(=不公平)partiality用例彼は厚薄無く人を扱うHe deals justly with all men....
読み方 こうはく名詞1(=厚さ)Thickness2(=不公平)partiality用例彼は厚薄無く人を扱うHe deals justly with all men....
アクセント・音節júst・ly 音声を聞く【副詞】1正しく,正当に,妥当に,公正に.用例He has been justly rewarded. 彼は正当な報酬を得ている.2[文全体を修飾して] 当然...
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