英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


動詞markeredsimple past tense and past participle of markerアナグラムre-marked, remarked...
発音(General American) IPA(key): /ɹɪˈmɑɹkt/(Received 発音) IPA(key): /ɹɪˈmɑːkt/.mw-parser-output...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/08/25 10:58 UTC 版)語源un- +‎ remarked形容詞unremarked (not comparable)(often with "...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/10/29 18:29 UTC 版)語源After the zoologist Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger, who...
語源condo +‎ -ize動詞condoize (三人称単数 現在形 condoizes, 現在分詞 condoizing, 過去形および過去分詞形 condoized)(transitive, ...
動詞nudgingpresent participle and gerund of nudge名詞nudging (複数形 nudgings)The act of giving a nudge; pu...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/01 14:42 UTC 版)Amza Pellea (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈamza ˈpele̯a]; 7 April...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/01 06:51 UTC 版)"Blackout" is a song written and recorded by David Bowie in 1...
語源Schumpeter +‎ -esque形容詞Schumpeteresque (comparative more Schumpeteresque, superlative most S...
名詞anorthosite (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 anorthosites)(petrology) A phaneritic, intrusive igneou...
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