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語源proto- +‎ Salishan固有名詞Proto-SalishanSynonym of Proto-Salish...
固有名詞TsamosanA branch of the Salishan languages spoken in western Washington State....
【名詞】1ワシントン州北西部に住むサリシ族(a member of the Salishan people living in northwestern Washington)...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/09/24 18:38 UTC 版)語源From Salishan +‎ -ist.名詞Salishanist ‎(複数形 Salishanists)A l...
Salishan languagesセイリッシュ語族(セイリッシュごぞく、英: Salishan languages)は太平洋岸北西部(カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州、およびアメリカ合衆国のワシン...
語源Derived from the name of the T'Sou-ke, an indigenous tribe of Salishan origin.固有名詞SookeA district ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/27 18:11 UTC 版)The Cowlitz language is a member of the Tsamosan (Olympic) br...
名詞Cowlitz pl (複数形 only)An indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest.固有名詞CowlitzA language of t...
固有名詞Kalispel-Pend d'OreilleMontana Salish, a Salishan language spoken in parts of Washington and Mon...
名詞Okinagan (複数形 Okinagans)A member of a Salishan tribe who once occupied an extensive territory on t...
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