英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「straight out」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/823件中)

be out of the straight...
branch growing out straight...
訳語 A answer straight out of a textbook...
strike out a batter on three straight pitches...
push one's opponent straight out of the ring...
読み方:ちょくしゅつ文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞)対訳 shooting straight out; growing straight down...
読み方:ちょくしゅつ文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞)対訳 shooting straight out; growing straight down...
If you go straight down this road you will come out in front of that station....
別の表記straight arm語源From straight + arm.動詞straight-arm (三人称単数 現在形 straight-arms, 現在分詞 straight-arming,...
発音.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}動詞set straight (三人称単数 現在形 sets straig...
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