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「tight security」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/27件中)

enforce a tight security measure...
tight security厳戒体制をとるenforce a tight security measure....
tight security厳戒体制をとるenforce a tight security measure....
【副詞】1しっかりまたは密接に(firmly or closely)held tight しっかりつかまった2注意深い態度で(in an attentive manner)【形容詞】1不足の影響を受け...
音節se・cu・ri・ty 発音記号/sɪkj(ə)rəṭi/音声を聞く【名詞】A 【不可算名詞】1安全,無事.用例public security 治安, 公安.in security 安全に, 無事...
【形容詞】1 tight, stringent, rigorous規則および手順に厳しい注意を求めるさま(demanding strict attention to rules and procedu...
名詞leg irons pl (複数形 only)A fetter or shackle attached at the ankle.2014 November 27, Ian Black,...
名詞miliblog (複数形 miliblogs)Alternative form of milblog2006 October 29, Travis Daub, “Silencing the mi...
【昆虫】 an ant蟻の巣an ant(s') nest.用例会場は蟻のはい出るすきもないような警戒ぶりだった. The security in [around] the hall was very...
【昆虫】 an ant蟻の巣an ant(s') nest.用例会場は蟻のはい出るすきもないような警戒ぶりだった. The security in [around] the hall was very...
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