英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/02/27 10:02 UTC 版)語源commemorate +‎ -est動詞commemoratest(archaic) second-person ...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/03/24 06:44 UTC 版)語源commemorate +‎ -eth動詞commemoratetharchaic third-person sin...
名詞national holiday (複数形 national holidays)A statutory holiday enacted by a country to commemorate th...
語源Named to commemorate Edward Bartlett.名詞Bartlett's tinamou (複数形 Bartlett's tinamous)A tinamou, Cryp...
固有名詞Republic DayA public holiday in various countries to commemorate the date on which the country b...
固有名詞Statehood DayAny of various public holidays that commemorate the date when a territory became a ...
語源non- +‎ commemoration名詞noncommemoration (uncountable)Absence of commemoration; failure to co...
the skeletal domed building in Hiroshima which still stands to commemorate the dropping of the atom ...
語源Named to commemorate German ornithologist and collector Hans von Berlepsch.名詞Berlepsch's tinamou (...
語源From Japanese [Term?].名詞intai-zumo (複数形 intai-zumo)(sumo) A one-day exhibition tournament to comme...

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