英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/04 09:52 UTC 版)Étaín is a figure of Irish mythology, best known as the heroi...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/27 11:56 UTC 版)The history of Puerto Rico began with the settlement of the a...
固有名詞AitonA Tai language spoken in India and written in a version of the Burmese abugida.参考Wiktionary...
語源Borrowed from Japanese 大谷 (Ōtani).固有名詞Otani (複数形 Otanis)A surname​.アナグラム-ation, Naito, Taino...
固有名詞ToniaA short form of the female given name Antonia.関連する語Tonyaアナグラム-ation, Naito, Otani, Taino, T...
語源From Taíno macana.名詞macana (複数形 macanas)A wooden sword-like weapon of various native cultures of C...
別の表記pitahaya語源From American Spanish pitahaya, from Taíno [Term?].名詞pitaya (複数形 pitayas)The dragon fr...
別の表記pratie語源From Irish prátaí名詞praty (複数形 praties)(dated, Ireland) A potato.アナグラム@ party, party,...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/27 08:22 UTC 版)In Taíno culture, the hupia (also opia, opi'a, op'a, operi'to...

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