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音節a・cer・bic 発音記号/əsːbɪk|əsː‐/【形容詞】1渋い,すっぱい.2〈言葉・態度・気性など〉とげとげしい,しんらつな.用例acerbic wit しんらつなウィット....
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/06 15:43 UTC 版)François-Antoine (de) Chevrier (11 October 1721, Nancy – 26 J...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/06 22:09 UTC 版)Sean Hughes (born John Hughes, 10 November 1965) is a British...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/14 18:37 UTC 版)The Ice Storm is a 1994 American novel by Rick Moody. The nov...
Sense: tasting acrid and harsh同意語acridacerbacerbicbitterbittersomesharp反意語sweet    [WS]下位語...
語源hit +‎ woman, based on earlier hitman.名詞hitwoman (複数形 hitwomen)The female equivalent of a hi...
語源superhuman +‎ -ly副詞superhumanly (comparative more superhumanly, superlative most superhumanl...
【形容詞】1調子において辛辣である、または冷嘲的であるさま(harsh or corrosive in tone)an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/27 12:51 UTC 版)Attention Scum! was a short lived television comedy series di...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/25 22:06 UTC 版)Brian Sewell (born 15 July 1931) is an English art critic and...

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