英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


名詞piraya (複数形 pirayas)Archaic form of piranha.アナグラムapiary...
beekeepingbee raising [culture]apiculture.養蜂家a beekeeperan apiculturist養蜂所an apiary....
beekeepingbee raising [culture]apiculture.養蜂家a beekeeperan apiculturist養蜂所an apiary....
語源apiculture +‎ -ist名詞apiculturist (複数形 apiculturists)beekeeper同意語apiarist関連する語apiarybeekeeping...
【名詞】ミツバチ飼養場, 養蜂(ようほう)場用例The apiary was nearby; half a dozen hives faced south down the slope....
語源From Latin apis (“bee”) + culture名詞apiculture (uncountable)The keeping and maintenance of bees for...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/01/18 04:49 UTC 版)語源bee +‎ yard名詞beeyard ‎(複数形 beeyards)An apiary....
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/07/15 01:16 UTC 版) 動詞keep beesto keep bees 同意語breed beesraise bees 関連する語apiary...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/04/14 19:28 UTC 版)"If you discover or suspect that any of your hives has an inf...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/20 14:55 UTC 版)The Apiary Laboratory, more often referred to as the Apiary, ...

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