英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


名詞lindy-hopping (uncountable)The dance, or dancing, of the Lindy Hop. (Also used attributively.)別の表記...
語源micro- +‎ induction名詞microinduction (uncountable)Very small-scale induction (typically used ...
語源micro- +‎ reaction名詞microreaction (uncountable)reaction in a microreactor使用する際の注意点Only used attrib...
語源micro- +‎ scintillation名詞microscintillation (uncountable)scintillation on a very small scale...
前置詞句off-airAlternative spelling of off air, especially when used attributively.He agreed to an off-a...
前置詞句on-airAlternative spelling of on air, especially when used attributively.アナグラムArion, Irano-, Ria...
語源post- +‎ replication名詞postreplication (uncountable)(genetics, biology) Used, attributively, to des...
名詞X-country (uncountable)(informal, usually used attributively) cross-country(informal) cross-co...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/08/04 00:12 UTC 版)語源anti- +‎ proliferation名詞antiproliferation ‎(uncountable)Us...
名詞building and pest(Australia) an official inspection prior to a home sale, where the structural int...

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