英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


the backstroke背泳ぎの選手a backstroke swimmer背泳ぎをするswim the backstrokeswim on one's back....
the backstroke背泳ぎの選手a backstroke swimmer背泳ぎをするswim the backstrokeswim on one's back....
アクセントbáck cràwl【名詞】 =backstroke 2....
I can generally swim but I am the best at the backstroke....
I am going to participate in the 100 meter backstroke tomorrow....
【名詞】1背泳ぎする人(someone who swims the backstroke)...
No matter how hard I practiced, I wasn't able to do the backstroke....
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/01 15:15 UTC 版) 名詞backstrokesPlural form of backstroke. 動詞backstrokesThird-...
別の表記back crawl語源back +‎ crawl名詞backcrawl (uncountable)backstroke...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/09/29 00:07 UTC 版) 動詞backstrokingPresent participle of backstroke....

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