英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/25 16:06 UTC 版)NGC 6741, also known as the Phantom Streak Nebula, is located...
Amorpha fruiticosa語源From the genus name, Amorpha, from Ancient Greek ἄμορφος (ámorphos, “shapeless, ...
別の表記ȳðmere – edh spelling語源Equivalent to ȳþ +‎ mere.発音IPA(key): /ˈyːθ.me.re/, [ˈyːð....
形容詞Learlike (comparative more Learlike, superlative most Learlike)Resembling the eponymous protagoni...
名詞rose gold (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 rose golds)A gold-copper alloy used in jewelry for its re...
語源Ultimately from flūctus (“wave”) +‎ -ōsus.形容詞flūctuōsus (feminine flūctuōsa, neuter flūctuōs...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/04/17 05:36 UTC 版)語源undō (“wave, undulate”) +‎ -bundus発音(Classical) IPA(key): ...
語源float +‎ -y発音.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}形容詞floaty (compara...
語源blow +‎ -y形容詞blowy (comparative blowier, superlative blowiest)Windy or breezy.1789, John O’K...
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