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「blow gun」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/158件中)

読み方:ぶっぱなす打っ放す とも書く文法情報(動詞サ行五段活用、他動詞)対訳 to fire (a gun); to shoot; to let off; to loose off; to blow ...
読み方:ぶっぱなす打っ放す とも書く文法情報(動詞サ行五段活用、他動詞)対訳 to fire (a gun); to shoot; to let off; to loose off; to blow ...
名詞gun powder (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 gun powders)Alternative spelling of gunpowder1991, D. L....
1刀剣と銃砲例文swords and guns2弓と矢例文bow and arrow3弓矢例文bow and arrow4鉄砲の弾丸を抜く.例文unload a gun5武器や申冑例文arms and...
1的を外れた一撃例文a wild shot2かすめる程度の一撃例文a glancing blow3弾を抜く例文to extract a bullet―unload a gun4こぶしによる一撃例文a ...
1弓と矢例文bow and arrow2弓矢例文bow and arrow3鉄砲の弾丸を抜く.例文unload a gun4刀剣と銃砲例文swords and guns5銃を抜く例文pull out ...
名詞starting gun (複数形 starting guns)(athletics) A gun fired to start a race.Synonyms: starting pistol,...
1投射物例文a projectile2弾丸を飛ばす弓例文bow to shoot a bullet3ショットガン例文a shotgun4打ち込む太刀例文a blow (with the sword)5...
1撃つぞ。例文Shoot!2撃たれた例文Got shot3ねらい撃つ例文to shoot at something4発砲しなさい!例文fire away!5あいつを撃つ。例文I'm gonna sho...
1拳を固める例文to clench one's fist―double up one's fist2拳を打つ例文to play ken3拳で一打ちする例文to hit with a fist4砲口を上...

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