英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


名詞true bearing (複数形 true bearings)(navigation) Direction relative to true north, typically as contra...
【名詞】1ユダヤ教徒と対比されるキリスト教徒(a Christian as contrasted with a Jew)...
【名詞】1ユダヤ教徒と対比されるキリスト教徒(a Christian as contrasted with a Jew)...
【名詞】1そこから派生する収入と区別する資本(capital as contrasted with the income derived from it)...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/01/03 05:38 UTC 版) 語源From intra- +‎ linguistic. 形容詞intralinguistic (not compar...
形容詞LFF (not comparable)(computing) Initialism of large form factor, referring to 3.5 inch hard drive...
名詞affirmative resolutionA procedure of the UK government whereby secondary legislation requires appr...
名詞have nots pl (複数形 only)The poor or underprivileged, contrasted with those who have possession...
語源macro- +‎ viscosity名詞macroviscosity (複数形 macroviscosities)Relatively large-scale viscosity, ...
語源mytho- +‎ -nomy名詞mythonomy (uncountable)The study of myths in general and how they develop, ...

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