英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


1〈廃止になる〉be done away with; be abolished; go out of use; fall into disuse [【形式ばった表現】 desuetude].2〈衰微す...
1不用に帰す例文to become useless―fall into desuetude2徒労に帰す例文to come to naught―go for nothing―prove in vain―...
1不用に帰す例文to become useless―fall into desuetude2手に帰す例文to fall into one's hands3徒労に帰す例文to come to naugh...
1手に帰す例文to fall into one's hands2徒労に帰す例文to come to naught―go for nothing―prove in vain―prove fruitles...
1手に帰す例文to fall into one's hands2不用に帰す例文to become useless―fall into desuetude3徒労に帰す例文to come to naugh...
1徒労に帰す例文to come to naught―go for nothing―prove in vain―prove fruitless2不用に帰す例文to become useless―fall...
1廃れる例文fall into desuetude2除外される例文to be omitted3除外されること例文the state of being excluded4疎外されること例文the sta...
1不用に帰す例文to become useless―fall into desuetude2灰燼に帰す例文to be reduced to ashes3徒労に帰す例文to come to naught...
1道に迷う, 迷い子になる; 途方に暮れる.例文get lost2行方不明になる.例文go missing3心を引かれ懐かしく思う例文to miss4遺失する例文to lose5失明する例文to lo...
1消滅する例文cease to exist2消滅する例文to cease to exist3行方不明になる.例文go missing4衰滅する例文to be destroyed5絶滅する例文becom...

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