英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方:おおさかのくいだおれ文法情報(表現)対訳 financially ruining oneself by overindulging in food and drink (as a fabled...
⇒たけ2(竹藪).竹林の七賢the seven wise men in a bamboo grove fabled in a Chinese classic....
⇒たけ2(竹藪).竹林の七賢the seven wise men in a bamboo grove fabled in a Chinese classic....
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/09/17 18:09 UTC 版) 語源French 名詞jumart (複数形 jumarts)The fabled offspring of...
読み方:きょうのきだおれ文法情報(表現、名詞)対訳 financially ruining oneself by buying too many clothes (as a fabled tenden...
読み方:きょうのきだおれ文法情報(表現、名詞)対訳 financially ruining oneself by buying too many clothes (as a fabled tenden...
語源From Latin Briareius, from Briareus (“a mythological hundred-handed giant”).形容詞Briarean (comparati...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/10/14 21:30 UTC 版)名詞balsamicsplural of balsamic2009 February 21, Gord Stimmell...
別の表記fire breathing語源fire +‎ breathing発音.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:h...
【名詞】1実在の動物と架空の動物の寓意的で楽しい描写がある(普通イラスト入りの)中世の本(a medieval book (usually illustrated) with allegorical ...

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