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出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/02/07 18:47 UTC 版)A Royak is a sit-on-top Kayak (as it is called today) that in...
名詞snow kayaking (uncountable)A winter recreational activity, sometimes a competitive racing sport, w...
動詞kayakingpresent participle of kayak名詞kayaking (uncountable)A water sport involving racing, or doin...
Kayak Islandカイアック島(カイアックとう、Kayak Island)とは、太平洋のアラスカ湾北部に存在する島の1つである。
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/01/04 02:45 UTC 版)Eric "EJ" Jackson (born March 3, 1964) is a world-champion fr...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/04/22 20:35 UTC 版)Kayak II is the second album by the Dutch progressive rock ba...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/12/11 08:18 UTC 版)Starlight Dancer is a 1977 album by Dutch progressive rock ba...
名詞tuilik (複数形 tuiliks)An Inuit watertight jacket, worn when paddling a kayak....
I feel relieved to know that I can use the shower room and the changing room just by renting a kayak...
Folding kayakフォールディングタイプカヤックもしくはフォールディング・カヤックは、分解可能な組み立て式のカヤックのこと。

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