英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


固有名詞Loch Ness Monster(cryptozoology) Alternative spelling of Loch Ness monster...
固有名詞Sens.plural of Sen. (senators)アナグラム-ness, ESNs, NSSE, Ness, SE SN, SNES, ness...
語源Named after Noah V. Ness.固有名詞Ness Countyone of 105 counties in Kansas, USA, with its county seat i...
名詞SE SN (複数形 SE SNe)Abbreviation of stripped-envelope supernova.アナグラム-ness, Ness, SNES, Sens., Sens,...
接尾辞-nesseObsolete spelling of -ness...
語源Named either after Ness County, or Noah V. Ness (after whom the county was named).固有名詞Ness Citya c...
finished surface rough ness; surface roughness...

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