英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


1トスカーナの住民例文a resident of Tuscany...
1トスカーナの住民例文a resident of Tuscany...
1トスカーナの住民例文a resident of Tuscany...
1トスカーナの住民例文a resident of Tuscany...
語源From Italian Pistoia.固有名詞PistoiaA province of Tuscany, Italy.The capital city of the province of P...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/11 19:12 UTC 版)The Grand Princess of Tuscany was the spouse of the Grand Pri...
語源From Italian Lucca.固有名詞LuccaA province of Tuscany, Italy.The capital city of the province of Lucca...
語源From Italian lucchese.名詞Lucchese (複数形 Lucchese)A native or inhabitant of Lucca, in Tuscany, Italy....
固有名詞Massa CarraraA province of Tuscany, Italy, containing the two towns Massa and Carrara....
固有名詞Santa Fioraa municipality in the Province of Grosseto, in the Italian region of Tuscany,派生語fiori...

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