英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


Two wrongs don't make a right....
名詞Mister Wrongsplural of Mister Wrong...
理非曲直を正すinquire into the rights and wrongs 《of a case》....
the rights and wrongs 《of》理非の判断a judgment of the right or wrong.理非曲直(きょくちょく)理非曲直を正すinquire into the ...
読み方 がしんしょうたん熟語Brooding over one's wrongs用例臥薪嘗胆の思いをしているHe is brooding over one's wrongs....
読み方 がしんしょうたん熟語Brooding over one's wrongs用例臥薪嘗胆の思いをしているHe is brooding over one's wrongs....
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2009/06/29 19:36 UTC 版) 名詞civil wrongsPlural form of civil wrong....
読み方:ぜひぜんあく文法情報(名詞)対訳 rights and wrongs; the relative merits (of a case); propriety...
読み方:ぜひぜんあく文法情報(名詞)対訳 rights and wrongs; the relative merits (of a case); propriety...
読み方:ぜひきょくちょく文法情報(名詞)対訳 rights and wrongs (of a case); relative merits (of a case)...

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