英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/10/27 22:07 UTC 版)動詞disposingpresent participle of dispose名詞disposing ‎(複数形 di...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/10/27 22:07 UTC 版)名詞disposingsplural of disposing...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/06/20 22:29 UTC 版) 名詞testation (uncountable)The action of a testator in dispos...
marine sanitation device,waste disposing device,excrete disposer,sewage disposal system,sewage treat...
marine sanitation device,waste disposing device,excrete disposer,sewage disposal system,sewage treat...
marine sanitation device,sewage treatment system,waste disposing device,sewage disposal system...
【名詞】1下水の処理のための機械装置(a plant for disposing of sewage)...
【名詞】1ゴミを処理するための台所器具(a kitchen appliance for disposing of garbage)...
【名詞】1ゴミを処理するための台所器具(a kitchen appliance for disposing of garbage)...
【名詞】1裁判なしに物事に決着をつける判決(a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial)...

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