英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


形容詞piss weak (comparative more piss weak, superlative most piss weak)Alternative spelling of piss-we...
動詞pissing onpresent participle of piss on...
I will pee.;I will take a piss....
名詞piss and wind (uncountable)(derogatory) Bluster; windbaggery.関連する語piss and vinegarpiss in the wind...
名詞piss-artist (複数形 piss-artists)Alternative form of piss artist...
動詞take a piss (三人称単数 現在形 takes a piss, 現在分詞 taking a piss, 過去形 took a piss, 過去分詞 taken a piss)(idiom...
名詞piss-taker (複数形 piss-takers)(Britain, slang) A person who takes the piss.参照“piss-taker”, in...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/12/18 02:11 UTC 版)名詞piss-takesplural of piss-take動詞piss-takesthird-person sing...
動詞pissing aboutpresent participle of piss about...
動詞pissing aroundpresent participle of piss around...

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